1. Sonder

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Footsteps emerge onto the rocky garden, happy footsteps at that— if you can even describe footsteps in that way. A small jingle was heard from an earring belonging to a girl.

"Good evening everyone!" They turn to look at the girl walking closer. A smile on her face, her hair gently flowing in the wind as the double blades are strapped to the sides of her hips with much security.

"Y/N!" A loud voice booms with an enthusiastic tone.

"ANIKI!!" She runs up to her older brother who has his arms opened up wide, only to smile brightly as he welcomes her back with a tight hug.

"Welcome back Y/n! Looking beautiful as ever!" Tengen scowls at the flame hashira for calling his dear sister beautiful— who ignores the intense glare.

"Thanks for the warming welcoming Kyojuro-Kun! Hello Obanai-San!" Y/n looks up into the tree, waving at the serpent pillar who waves back with little effort.

"You're still as loud as ever." Obanai mutters under his breath.

"Y/n-Chan!!!" Mitsuri squeals at how lovely Y/n had looked this beautiful day.

"I didn't think you'd be here in time for the trial. It's been awhile." Shinobu says with a smile.

"I've arrived to put my two cents in and as well as resign from my current position in which I've been stationed to! Also, I don't think there should be a trial. Speaking of which—Hi Tomioka-San!" Giyuu side glances at the younger Uzui before nodding slightly to acknowledge her presence, being unable to resist the urge to communicate with her.

What most people would have trouble doing when talking to her.

"Oh... is this the boy who travels with a demon?" Her red eyes, much like Tengens', looked down to see a maroon-haired boy with his hands tied to his back while he struggles to look up at her due to the aching pains of dealing with a lower moon the previous night.

"Tanjiro is the one. You'd expect him to be more flamboyant but isn't he one drab looking dude?" The girl shakes her head before looking down at Tanjiro with a smile that slowly drops as he starts to yell profusely at her.

"YOU'RE A DEMON SLAYER RIGHT? YOUR SCENT IS GIVING OFF THE HEAVY SMELL OF MUZAN KIBUTSUJI!" Tanjiro's eyes widen when he sees her smile once again after letting out a small chuckle.

Obanai gets ready to throw a rash comment towards the demon slayer but stops as Y/n's pointer finger is placed on her lips that shown nothing but a small smile when making eye contact with the serpent pillar who can't help but look away with a scoff.

"I am a demon slayer, yes. But my job is different from the rest. I happen to be the spouse of Kibutsuji Muzan right now, hence the reason my scent might throw you off a bit. I gather all the information I can obtain for Oyakata-Sama while Muzan himself thinks of me as another human coverup." Y/n says with a smile before latching onto her brother who grins proudly at his sister.

Obanai looking away once again in disgust, imagining their biggest enemy being with the pillar has boiled his blood and Y/n could practically see his emotions engulfing the tree he sat himself on.

"I'm a covert researcher! Though I don't have much I can tell you, I'm the only one whose had contact with Kibutsuji... that is until he told me about you." Y/n's smile doesn't falter upon whispering this for Tanjiro to hear as she lets out a small chuckle. Relieved Tengen was too busy to hear it.

"Don't worry so much. I'm not a threat, I wouldn't betray the corps for anything." Tanjiro's eyes widened, despite not showing it physically, he had in fact been worried for not only his safety but his younger sister.

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