Chapter 6

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Drew's eyes widened in surprise, but it was short lived. He realised that it had made sense. How else would Hailey and Zander have been sure that Drew would be in danger if they sent him here? Yes, there were reports of people going missing here, but other than that, a lot of people escaped in perfect condition, other than the traumatisation.

"So, Hailey and Zander convinced you to kill me," Drew said, his voice bordering on resentment.

The lady nodded her head calmly, as though not bothered by the fact that she killed a 16 year old boy. Well, the woman had to admit that she didn't feel guilty.

"They hadn't specified for me to kill you, keep that in mind. I personally chose to kill you, they didn't know you would die," June explained patiently, "Now, you have come here to negotiate, so no more chit chat. What do you need, Boy?"

Drew tried not to roll his 'eyes' at the woman. He had a name, she didn't have to call him 'Boy'. It felt weird to be disrespected that way, especially since almost everyone he met had respected him or at least feared him in some way.

"I would like my friend to be able to see and hear me. I would like to be able to be hugged by him..." Drew didn't dare tell her that he wanted to kiss Jake as well. She didn't need any more information.

"I'm afraid you cannot be hugged by him, for you have no physical body. The rest however, I can grant. You will only be given 12 hours a day, however, as you are not fully forgiven for hurting my children," she replied curtly.

Drew could do with that. It wasn't as though Jake would be spending 12 hours in the haunted house, right? The only thing that disappointed him was that he wouldn't be able to hug or kiss Jake. With sad 'eyes' he met the gaze of the woman and nodded. She flicked her fingers and gestured for him to exit.

"You are free to leave," she said, still pointing towards the large, mahogany door.

Drew bowed his head in thanks and floated away, teleporting back to the main room as soon as he had gone out of sight from June Austin. His stomach felt like it was aching out of excitement. He could somewhat properly reunite with Jake, finally! He felt a small smile starting to form as he dissolved into the large hall. The figure that was Jake was still sitting by Drew's body, now talking sadly once again.

Drew smiled softly at the boy. Jake didn't need to grieve for Drew's loss anymore. He could be happy again. Memories of their childhood flooded into his brain. He remembered the first Halloween of their friendship. Jake scared Drew with a small "boo" while watching a horror movie. Now, it was time for his friendly revenge.

He quietly flew towards Jake, aware that Jake could now hear his motions and movements. A sigh escaped Jake's lips as Drew neared, and the formerly magenta haired boy bowed his head near Jake's ear.

"Boo," he said quietly in his ear.

Jake startled violently and Drew laughed, clutching his ghostly stomach. Jake turned around, his eyes frightened. Well, why wouldn't he be? This mansion was the embodiment of death and fear after all. Drew watched as Jake's eyes went from fear, to shock, to awe, and then to pure happiness, completely ignoring the fact that Drew had just terrified him.

"DREW?!" he yelled, the shout bouncing off the dark walls.

Drew nodded, his eyes as jovial as Jake's. Jake stood up shakily and reached out to try and touch Drew's hand, but Drew shook his head sadly.

"You're only able to hear and see me," he explained, his voice tracing on dismay.

Jake nodded, not as unhappy as Drew. In fact, his eyes were still complete with joy, sparkling, bright, and energetic like it used to be. Drew spotted tears starting to form in Jake's eyes.

"I- YOU DON'T KNOW HOW HAPPY I AM TO SEE YOU!" Jake shouted, the tears now spilling. Tears of happiness, of course, which made Drew more than happy to see.

"I'm so happy to see you too, Jake," Drew whispered.

Drew felt himself fill with embarrassment.

"I love you too," he muttered.

He watched as Jake reacted, a blush forming on his fair skin. Jake hadn't known that Drew was listening to Jake speak. However, Jake started to realise that it meant Drew returned his feelings. Jake's eyebrows raised up slowly, but his eyes were filled with immense joy.

"I could kiss you right now," Jake wiped a tear from his eyes, his happy crying finally starting to stop.

"Me too," Drew chuckled, "Me too."

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