don't you just love love? (𝟐)

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love is gentle love is kind

( they break apart your soul and leave you brokenshatteredwrecked )

love is beautiful

( you grew flowers in your lungs just for them but they thought yellow and red was a bad combination )

love is unconditional

( you made yourself marble and their name was michelangelo )

there is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved

( they watch the tears roll down your face with a sweet satisfaction and you can't help but wonder )

we are most alive when we are in love

( there is an entire field filled with daffodils that's found itself right inside you and the petals have built up in your throat and helppleaseicant there is a burning sensation in your lungs. you can do nothing but watch and scream silently icantbreatheicantbreatheicantbrea as the petals spill out of you dontcryoverspilledmilk and so do you )

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