How a god and goddess was born

Start from the beginning

Wang father says "You have to more patient, you two. We're almost done with the new version of the amulet.You two will have it within this year."
Y/n mother says "You have been saying that every day over the past decade."

Wang father says "It will be done this year.Most of it has been finished.the routine argument is about to begin again.darling.We,Can guarantee within this year,the latest amulet will have the expected may have some resistance to drugs.but you must have confidence in scientific cultivation.Guys"

Wang mother says "I wouldn't care about that if it weren't for them.I don't have to remind you what we have been through these years for this amulets On there seventh birthday..."
(Flash back)

Wang and y/n mother say "Come on,Let's make a wish blow out the candles."
Then flames the entire house almost burned down. When they were ten playing with there friends,they took of their clothes off! *sigh* I want them to live a ordinary life."
Over the past ten years,y/n and Wang has sensed there parents' trouble and effort.

Wang mother says "I'm sure you know what they have been take are just lower-power pills,special pills that reduce one's spiritual forces.
-this is something wang ling,y/n l/n found out for the first time in ten they decided not to do anything impressive before the amulet is school or hell if you prefer
As kids walk into the gates of school (hell) a student was calling for support of fellow students to elect Sun Rong whilst cheering  'Elect the goddess and it's a glory for all! And it's a glory for all!
                                                 Elect the goddess and it's a glory for all! And it's a glory for all!

One girl student says "Vote for her and you'll get a hug gift pack of golden pills.and a lucky chance for Ms.Sun Rong's bikini photo with her autograph. (Sound desperate if you ask me😒)

this caught everyone attention but y/n and Wang places of trouble like this should be avoided whenever possible.except-dry noddle and pocky packets on sale today
Students order left and right 'Sir,give me 10 pack of the intestine flavor.' 'Give me one pack.'
'-I want five packs of chives flavor'
'Give me two pack or strawberry pocky'
'Give me one.'
-don't push okay?
Both y/n and Wang set there eyes on there favorite snack wang is dry noddles while y/n pack of pocky they push through the crowd getting front row
Then a man in black suit and then pays for everything in the shops the students complain 'he can't do that.' The man says "Today,Everything in this shop is free for freshman."
The students cheer
-is this really happening
-he's so good.
-This is awesome!
-This is awesome!
The man in black says "Please support Sun Rong of class 1, Level 1."
(See what I mean by desperate😒)
The group of kids burst groaning walking away
Y/n stares at a squirrel in a tree with a slightly open mean she holds out a almond the squirrel runs over more animals hover over y/n
While Sun Rong makes a dramatic unneeded entrance whilst confronting her competition Chen chao
He claims along with his that she is cheating
she turns tossing her long black flowing hair "I'm just demonstrating my could you call that cheating?Those who believe in me and accept me will vote for me naturally that's the fairness choice." The friend of Chen Chao says "It sounds right."

Chen chao shakes his head before announcing proudly "That a fallacious argument! The class president is supposed to help his classmates. We won't yield to you for such small benefits." Sun Rong was slightly taken aback by the sudden comeback in argument she says "Chen chao,I suggest you say it nicely." Sun Rong real thoughts:That's moral coercion.That's shameful!

Wang says "I'll give you five votes for five packs of dry noodles." Bluntly y/n says "I'll give the same amount of votes as wang for same amount of pocky." Both bluntly say "Sun Rong?" She says "All right." Her inner thoughts "why is it them who stand out to help me?"

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