༯Jealouskkuno (Mafia addtion)༯ ||Jessica||

650 14 6

Published July 1, 12:00 PM (PST)

It was a normal day of being assigned on missions

Sykkuno really loved going on mission not because of the killing only because his boss sometimes comes and helps him on missions and Sykkuno had a small (HUGE) crush on his boss

His body was well built you can see his muscles peel through his sleeves and ohhh the voice that deep raspy voice Sykkuno loved hearing

He never really told his boss his feelings for him cause Sykkuno was kinda scared of him cause one wrong move and he's dead like dead dead...

So Sykkuno kept it a secret to himself no one knows not even his closes friends that also worked with him

Sykkuno was assigned to capture a girl, his boss didn't tell him why he just said "Bring me this girl and if you don't capture her within the next 3 days your dead"

Just remembering that made him shiver and here he was looking for the girl it's been 2 days already and Sykkuno can't seem to find this girl

Until he spotted a figure within the trees Sykkuno took a closer look and the girl seemed familiar he looked at the file he was given and it was the girl he was looking for

Without making a sound Sykkuno capture her with success and took her to the base

Sykkuno brought her to Corpse Sykkuno made sure to tie her legs and arms so she wouldn't escape

"I see you captured her thank you" he smiled and Sykkuno felt heat rush through his cheeks

He looked at the girl up and down and Sykkuno watched his eyes look at the girl with amazement?

Sykkuno looked away not wanting to get the wrong idea

"Take her to the room I'll be in there in a sec" he said and Sykkuno did as he was told and brought the girl in a room

Sykkuno cuffed her to a pole and untied a cloth that was covered her mouth

Sykkuno exited the room and closed it, Sykkuno soon heard his boss go in the room and Sykkuno was hesitant but he wanted to know what's he's gonna do

So Sykkuno peeked through the door and watched his boss look at the girl and tilt her head up with his finger

Sykkuno felt a bit jealous you can say the girl seemed to be enjoying it cause she had a smile on her face while Sykkuno looked in disgust

"I'll be right back would you mind...watching her while I'm gone?" Corpse asked and Sykkuno nodded "Sure Corpse- I mean boss" Sykkuno said nervously going into the room and locking it

He turned around and looked at the girl who seemed to be terrified of him

"Am I that scary?" Sykkuno said to himself, Sykkuno kneeled down to the same level as the girl

Sykkuno took out a blade from his back pocket and hovered it over the girls neck

The girl gulped at that and Sykkuno watched her "You know you've made a big mistake" Sykkuno looked at her and the girl said nothing

"You stole him from me, why you when it could've been me, what does he see in you anyways your nothing but a pathetic brat" Sykkuno almost yelled In anger

"Your not gonna speak huh?" Sykkuno grinned gripping the blade further onto her neck blood dripping down

"You know I can kill you on the spot" Sykkuno smiled "D-Don't kill me please" the girl stuttered on fear

Sykkuno chuckled and looked at her "I won't kill you...yet, I'm just getting started" Sykkuno said dragging the blade down her pale skin leaving blood trails

The girl cried in pain but Sykkuno went further "This will teach you from taking what's mine" Sykkuno said stabbed her in the heart and left the blade there

Seeing the blood pour out and Sykkuno seeing her dead he loved what he just did

Sykkuno exited the room and left to clean off but what Sykkuno didn't know was that Corpse had cameras in that room and Corpse watched the whole scene

Corpse hummed and shut off the cameras and walked to the room where the dead body laid

He sat down on the chair and waited for Sykkuno to come

Sykkuno soon came and his skin went pale when he saw Corpse on the door

"What happened to her? I left you to watch her..." Corpse looked at Sykkuno

Sykkuno was nervous if Corpse finds out he killed her he'll be dead for sure

"I-I don't know I just left for a sec and I see this!?" Sykkuno said nervously

Corpse got up and shut the door and locked it

Sykkuno gulped he was sweating really bad he was shaking a bit too

"Why are you scared?" Corpse said walking towards Sykkuno

Sykkuno was basically pinned to the wall by his boss he fell madly in love with

"Do you know what really happened to her?" Corpse whispered in Sykkuno's hear "N-No I don't know" Sykkuno lied "Hmm that's a shame cause I know what exactly happened" Corpse grinned and Sykkuno froze how'd he know

"Your probably wondering how I know, if you see right there there's a camera" Corpse pointed at the camera that was in the corner of the wall

Sykkuno looked and felt a cold breeze hit him he's dead for sure

"I-I'm sorry I didn't intend to" Sykkuno looked down

Corpse lifted up Sykkuno's head with his finger they were really close and Sykkuno's heart was beating fast as if he ran 4 miles

Corpse leaned in their lips brushing against each other's

Sykkuno closed his eyes thinking he was dreaming but no this is all real

"You were so badass doing that tho" Sykkuno heard Corpse said

Sykkuno was about to say something but was interrupted by the lips of Corpse's pressed against his

Sykkuno kissed back he felt like he was dreaming

Him kissing his boss that he fell over heels for they soon parted and looked in each other's eyes

"Now I know not to make you jealous" Corpse grinned and Sykkuno blushed knowing what he'll do if something touched or got their hands on Corpse

||Unedited|| tbh don't know where I was going with this

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