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I walked into class today feeling great, which is rare...very rare.

Just so you know, my outfit was FIRE ta-day.

"So Mari-trash, why are u so happy today" said my ex-bestie, Alya or as I like to call her, the lying witches guard dog.

I ignored her and went to the back of the class to my seat. I had to switch to the back because Lie-la "HaS TiNnItUs", Ugh! The bitch never stops.

"Come on Marinette, tell us." Said the daddy's boy (y'all know who I'm talking 'bout)

"Fine, I'll tell the class after Ms. Bustier's morning announcements" I rolled my eyes.

Ms. B walked in the class and did her announcements and shit. I raised my hand to signify that I had something to say.

"Yes Marinette?"

"I have an announcement to make." I said and walked down to the front of the class, beside Ms. B

"You guys will not believe it but...I resign as class president and I give the position to...SAUSAG-imean LILA!! Isn't it exciting!!!?!?" I said to the class smiling.

Ms. B was shocked, "B-but you can't!"

I turned to her and pouted childishly, "And why the fuck not?"

She didn't comment on my cussing, "Who will plan all the trips and fundraisers and-"

"AHEM- BITCH, LAST TIME I CHECKED, THAT WAS YOUR JOB" I said, and then turned to the class. "As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted" I eyed Ms. B, "I am also moving schools! BYE BITCHES AND MUTHAFUCKEEERRSSS!!"

I then walked to back of the class, grabbed my bag and cat-walked out the classroom while flipping them off.

The class came out of their shock and followed me outside.

I made sure to slow down a bit for them to see me get inside my black limo with gold accents and drive off.

I went straight to the airport, into my white private jet and flew off to my new home in London.

I enrolled in Riverdale Performing and Arts School (I dunno, I just put some random name there. ANYWAYYYSSS...-) The school has a few famous faces which means you might be walking down the hallway and the next minute your held hostage by a random crime person.

They also teach you regular subjects like math, science, English ,and all that jazz. Pretty cool if you ask me.

TiMe sKiP

It's my first day of school. And if you didn't know, I know at least 42 languages and I am learning more. Why? Because I will need to sing in different languages and communicate with my fans or future business partners from different countries.

Back to what I was sayin'.

It is my first day of school today and I am ready to cause mischief.*cue evil and badass smirk*

I stepped out of my silver Limo and immediately all eyes went on moi.

Today I wore a white long sleeved off-shoulder top with a black choker, a brownish pink leather mini skirt that and black boots that went 2 inches up my thigh. I had a black LV bag and black shades.

I walked into the school and to the principal's office to get my schedule.

I got to my first class which was Math. I met the teacher at the classroom door and he walked me in and introduced me to the class.

Felix POV

I got to school and there were rumors about a new girl. 'Huh, a new toy for me to play with'

I'm Felix, the school playboy, the hottest guy in school and town, famous, do I need to say any further?

I walked into class and sat down. Then my friends came up to me," Dude, you heard about the new girl?" Alan asked. "Yup", I replied and smirked.

Allegra, Alan's sister saw this, "ooh, you gonna play her aren't ya?"

I couldn't answer the question as the teacher walked in with the new girl.

"Hello class, today we have a new student joining us. This is Melanie Cheng or you can call her Marinette. Any questions?" Lot's of people raised their hands, "Great! You can ask her during lunch. Ms. Cheng you can sit anywhere."

"Ok." She said, and made her way to the back of the class and sat next to me. The class gaped at her because no one ever sits beside me, if they do they are looking for a death wish.

Honestly she seemed like either a teacher's pet, a happy go-lucky person that would annoy the crap out of me or one of the bitchy mean girls that would latch onto me until I either date them or tell them off.

During class, I noticed that the new girl, Marinette, wasn't paying attention and was drawing in her notebook instead of taking notes. This stuff wasn't that hard for me as I was a little more advanced than the rest of the class and I know it was a bit boring but she should at least pay attention.

₩₩₩₩₩ Time Skip ₩₩₩₩₩

School ended and I met up with my friends. We walked to our lockers and got our stuff.

As I was about to leave, I saw the new girl, Marinette, walk towards me. I thought she was gonna try to talk to me but she went to the locker beside me.

She got her stuff and then started walking towards the exit.

"OH, MY GOSH, FELIX!!". That's it. Fuck my life. Why? Because of the screeching chimpanzee Britney and her pair of designer servants that she calls friends.

Mari POV

I don't use books like the others, I use my Laptop because it's lighter and my notes won't go missing.

I walked to my locker and got my bag, I put my laptop in it and got out my phone and ear buds and listened to my album that is gonna be released soon. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music. Today, I'm heading to the studio to publish it.

Since it's the first week of school for me, I don't have any dance, art or music classes yet. But I will be starting them next Monday.

"OH,MY GOD, FELIX!!" I hear an annoying voice say.

It sounded like the lying wench back in Paris but with an even higher voice.

Who ever it was started to talk and squeal so much I couldn't take it.

I turned around and walked up to the Barbie, "Hello?"

The girl looked at me and smirked, "Oh, so you are the new girl."

" Yh, I am." I smiled.

"Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm Britney, the school queen bee. I own the school so you have to do exactly what I say." She said and crossed her arms, releasing the poor guy she was latched onto.

"Ahem- BITCH CAN FUCKING YOU LOWER YOUR VOICE PLS. YOU ARE ASSULTING PEOPLES EARS. AND I'M NOT SORRY TO DISSAPOINT YOUR FAKE ASS BUT, I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM A BITCH THAT SOUNDS LIKE A DYING SQUIRREL." I took a breath, " To put simply and on behalf of every one that has had the misfortune to come across and hear the monstrosity you call a voice ...SHUT THE FUCK UP YA FAKE-ASS HOE." I finished

The people in the hallway were laughing and clapping. Some took videos but I couldn't care less. I put my ear buds back in and walked out of there. FINALLY, no more screeching banshee's.

The bad boy and HIS girlWhere stories live. Discover now