The New Agent

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I wake up to my 7am alarm clock on my dorm room bed. Ever since S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, the academies fell also. Long story short I'm a 14 year old girl training to become a young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in a secret training base.

Now you might be wondering how the hell my parents are ok with this. Well I don't really have anything to worry about because my parents happen to be nonexistent...

Ok maybe they're not actually nonexistent, but I wouldn't know either way. S.H.I.E.L.D. just casually took me from the orphanage and brought me to these training grounds when I was 10.

The facility I train surprisingly at wasn't affected at all during the Hydra uprising.

I'm the only one here other than my professors and trainers, who I don't speak to very much. They're all boring people anyway. They just sit around and act all serious, like robots. Therefore, I haven't really made any friends. At least it's way better than the foster homes and orphanages.

I was about to get my things ready for my next class until there was a knock on my door. I thought something was wrong because nobody ever knocks on my door.

I opened it only to see Agent Coulson. He's the one who brought me here in the first place. It was nice to see someone with a personality for once.

"Y/n Ray. Hello I'm Agent Phil Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Coulson you know you don't have to introduce yourself every time you don't see me for a while."

"I know, I just like saying that."

Coulson explained to me that he thought I was ready to go out on the field and become an actual agent. I wasn't completely sure if I was dreaming or not, but of course I agreed. I don't think Coulson would have given me a choice though.
Next thing I knew I was on a quinjet heading towards the secret base. I knew I would have a blindfold if it weren't for the fact that I was an agent now.

I saw a woman in the cockpit flying the plane. I wondered who she was so I asked Coulson.

"That's Agent May. I don't recommend bothering her while she's flying."

I made a mental note of that and in a few minutes we were at the base.

I stepped out of the jet and was astonished at how huge the base was. I saw a tall blonde lady walk up to me and Coulson.

"This is Agent Barbra Morse. She's going to give you tour." Coulson told me.

"Follow me. There's a lot to learn around here." She said.

I followed her and we started walking through the hallways. She walked fast. Probably because of how tall she was.

"By the way, you can just call me Bobbi. You're Y/n aren't you?"

"Yep." I replied.

Bobbi showed me the shooting range, lounge/kitchen, gym, lab, and the locker room.

"And finally, here's your room."

The room was nice but not much different than my dorm at the training base. Just a bit bigger.

"Thanks Bobbi." I smiled.

Bobbi nodded her head and walked off. I sat down and unpacked some of my things. I mainly spent time hanging up all my blueprints around the desk, and getting out my notebooks. I guess clothes were my last priority.

I heard a knock at the door and went to open it. There stood Coulson once again, but next to him was a younger woman with short brown hair.

"Agent y/n, this is Daisy. She is now your S.O. She'll be watching over you and helping you train so you can get used to being on the field. You guys have work to do, better get to it." Coulson said before walking away.

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