Chapter 25 - The Perfect Family

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4 months later...

It was a while since the Zero Point was sealed away with The Foundation by Sophie, Jones and Midas. But was it even worth it in the end?

Many months later, a race of aliens named Kymera invaded the island and destroyed the Spire. And now it could only be assumed the Zero Point was in the mother ship and The Foundation was... somewhere.

But did an alien invasion stop the islanders from having a huge summer party at Sweaty Sands?

Of course not!

Sweaty Sands, or Believer Beach as it was renamed to by alien enthusiast Sunny, was THE place to go for summer break. It was exactly what Midas and the others planned to do, but they first had to rearrange the new house to create another room. Since Jones was now permanently stuck on the island with no way to get back, Midas thought it was only right he stayed with himself, Sophie and Jules.

But eventually everything was finished off, and a lot of time had passed since then.


"Hey Midas! You and Jones ready yet?" Jules asks. "Skye and the others will probably be here soon."

"Give us 5 minutes Jules, hang on."

As well as some neat black swimming trunks, Midas slips on a black jacket, light enough to swim in, and a necklace with a golden GHOST symbol on it.

"Been an extremely long time since I've worn clothing such as this."

He then knocks on Jones' door.

"Jones? Come now we can keep the others... waiting..."

He opens the door to find the poor guy slouched over his balcony. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and white swimming trunks with small sharks drawn on them. A stand with all the trinkets he picked up in his travels, except for the headband that was still strapped around his head, stood in the corner of his room.

"Give us 10 - 15 minutes actually Jules." He calls out to his sister, closing the door and walking over to his troubled friend. "Are you alright Jones? I'm surprised you'd be down on a day such as this. By now, you'd probably be the one to nag us all about being late."

"Yeah..." Is Jones' low reply.

Midas sighs and drops his arms over the balcony, one arm on Jones' shoulder.

"Alright. What's wrong? I haven't seen you this low for a while."

"I just..." He pauses, reconsidering telling Midas. "No, it's nothing. Nevermind."

He turns to leave, only for Midas to take his hand and stop him. Both blush briefly before sitting down on Jones' bed.

"Jonesy, you're not that great at hiding things. I can tell you're still distressed about something. Perhaps if you tell me, I can help you."

"Ok, fine! I'm missing Janice, okay?! There, I said it."

"Hey. There's no need to yell at me." Midas tells him before returning to the subject. "Why were you afraid to tell me?"

"I dunno. I thought you'd think I'd rather be back with her than be with you." He explains, covering his face. "I mean, it's my own fault she died. If I hadn't gotten her involved, maybe she'd still be alive."

"You're having trouble moving on from something you did in the past. I know that feeling." Midas summaries, giving a hint of his mistake from the past.

Jones uncovers his face, looking at Midas.

"Something related to your dad again I guess?"

Midas nods.

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