Chapter Six

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Hawks had never really cooked with anyone before, he lived a pretty solitary life but he had to admit, cooking with Sora was an experience he would treasure. She was skilled in the kitchen and also adorably clumsy in his presence leading to quite a few amusing accidents. He had to admit, it was delightfully fun flustering her.

As she was preparing the flour to coat the chicken, Hawks smirked to himself and reached for the knife block in front of her from behind. His chest bumped up against her back. In the brief moment of their closeness, he realized she fit perfectly against him. He chuckled as she suddenly tensed.

"H-Hawks?" Her voice trembled.

"Sorry, I need this." He leaned forward a little, his breath brushed across the nape of her neck.

Sora let out a flustered squeal and suddenly flour went everywhere, completely covering the two of them and the disgruntled giant angry pink bear. Hawks howled with laughter at the now winter wonderland appearance of the kitchen and the adorable flour covered baker before him. The angry pink bear drenched in flour was about to send him into hysterics as the flour had landed in just the right clumping formation over his eyes to look like angry eyebrows.

"AH!" Sora yelped, "I'm so sorry!" She turned to Hawks and felt her heart skip a beat as she saw him double over laughing. She'd thought before that it was nice to see Hawks enjoying himself because she had a feeling he didn't get to laugh very often, at least, not in earnest. Her cheeks burned.

Once Hawks had recovered from his laughing fit he wiped at his eyes with flour covered hands and looked to Sora only to lose it again. They were both helplessly caked in flour. Sora tried her best to dust him off, feeling horrible that she'd completely covered him.

"I'm sorry." She apologized again.

Hawks chuckled, "I think today is becoming one of my favorite days."

Sora blushed at this, "huh? But I've made a mess of everything."

"That's half the fun." He smiled as he placed a hand atop her head to ruffle her hair causing flour to go everywhere once more.

"We should probably get cleaned up." Sora blushed again, she was glad for the flour clinging to her cheeks so he wouldn't see her bright red face.

She shyly led Hawks down the small hallway that led to the bedrooms and pointed him to her father's room. "There's a bathroom and if you need a change of clothes-..." She trailed off, she hadn't gone in there since right after her father died.

"I'll be alright, I can just shake them out." He reassured her as he realized this was her father's bedroom.

Sora nodded and escaped to her room to clean herself up. As she changed out of her clothes she realized there was a ton of flour in her cleavage and scrambled for the shower. After a quick shower she scrambled to her wardrobe only to groan as she realized she was behind on laundry and the only thing she had left to wear was her pajamas. Feeling even more embarrassed than before, she changed into the cute shorts and tank top pajama set littered with animated hot air balloons.

Nervously she shuffled back out to the kitchen to find that her pixie...or spirit...friends were cleaning up their mess. Hawks was trying to help but they kept shooing him out of the kitchen. Hawks turned as he sensed her approach and felt his heart stutter in his chest as he spotted her in a cute pair of pajamas. An endearing blush spread across Sora's cheeks and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"I'm behind on laundry." Sora blurted anxiously, feeling as if she had to explain herself.

Hawks chuckled, "it's cute."

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