Five: Realizations

Start from the beginning

"Wha.. you're uh you're over me? When were you.. under me?"

Jennifer moved away from David towards the couch in the apartment. This all feels so real somehow to her. This was no longer acting towards her. She was living Rachel's reality. In this reality David has a girlfriend, Christina. Who was in the audience, someone whom she had met before filming started. There was no airport greeting. There was only Jennifer waiting around for David at their usual spot to meet before heading inside and that's when she saw Christina in the car. Minor details in this reality are that her feelings were always one sided (in Jennifer's mind). If anything, this script felt to close to reality that she wondered if the writers knew her feelings for David.

"Oh. Well, basically, lately, I've uh, sort of had feelings for you." She mumbled her lines which looked like a creative decision.

"You've had feelings for me?"

"Yeah, what, so? You had feelings for me first!" Little did Jennifer know David did have feelings for her first.

Jennifer wondered what was going on in David's mind during that filming. She wondered about many things that she can ask him later. At the dinner he had insisted to have but she posed the decision to have it her place. Jennifer can agree to many things but having a dinner with someone she is trying painfully to get over at the house where he lives with his girlfriend? That is too much even for her.

She questioned her decision to confess her feelings for David. Truthfully there was something about the scene and the position they are in that compelled her to do so. He was just there and everything she wished she could say to him was written for her to say as Rachel to Ross. Except the only thing missing was the factor of her unsaid feelings. Until now. David is just always there. Regardless he always is from the start three years ago. It was simple when all I had to come home to was my dog and not my thoughts. Jennifer thought.


"Are you sure it's alright for me to come with you for filming?" Christina asked David in the car minutes away from Warner Brothers.

"Of course, people bring their partners all the time I want you to meet everyone." He smiled at his girlfriend.

"I'm actually terrified to meet Jennifer Aniston." Christina confessed awkwardly laughing.

David tried his best to maintain from having a reaction. "W-Why?" His voice faltered a bit.

"Well first of she's Rachel Green and you're Ross Geller. That's one thing. And of course, bubs, she's practically your best friend. You talk so highly of her and how you two are so close she's the closest cast member to you right? I don't want to give off a bad impression to her. Especially they probably think you're focused more on this relationship than your job. You've been flying back and forth between cities. I know that will change when I move but... Besides the point, I just don't want her to hate me. I don't want any of them too."

"Sweetie, they won't hate you." David refused to mention how the cast and crew still think he had been fixing the remainder of his things in New York think that was the reason why he had been visiting frequently. This is true but not the complete truth. Meeting Christina through a common friend led them to go on a date whilst the finale for season 1 was being filmed. Which led to more dates during the break.

Finally reaching the studios caused more stress for David than normal. In fact, on normal days, he never had any stress going to work. It was always lighthearted. Except now. Seeing Jen waiting for him at the parking spots added onto this. Noting that he saw her smile fade as she noticed someone else in his car.

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