Chapter 18

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When I wake up I'm lying on a stretcher in a helicopter. (Actually in the quinjet)

"I'm in a helicopter" I laugh, oblivious to the fact I'm high on painkillers.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" I giggle.

"Um, Stark she's up" I hear Kai say.

I bring my arms up in front of me immediately wincing as pain shoots through my shoulder.

"Ow son of a bitch" I shout.

"Language!" Steve scolds.

"Heey Stevie it's a dream I never swore you need to wake up" I try to convince Steve.

He shakes his head laughing.

"When is this helicopter coming down I feel like I'm going to vomit" I groan.

"You better now puke all over the quinjet" Tony shouts from the cockpit.

"Too late" I mumble before leaning over and vomiting. But Bucky is quick and puts a bowl under my mouth so I don't puke all over the floor. The strong smell of vomit fills the jet.

"Sorry" I smile guiltily.

Everyone blocks their noses, sighing in relief as we arrive. Bucky picks me up, making me cry out in pain. 

"I know we can get the stake out soon enough just hold on a while longer" Bucky reassures me.

"Wait a damn minute, it's still in my shoulder!" I wince.

Bucky doesn't say anything but continues to walk out of the jet with me still in his arms. 

"Bucky! Is it still in my shoulder!!!" I yell.

He continues to say nothing. 

"Wait why aren't I looking for myself" I mutter.

I cock my head to the side and yes indeed the stake is still embedded in my shoulder.

"Ugh," I whine.

"If you throw up on me I'll kill you" Bucky jokes.

I pretend to vomit on him. He laughs, nearly dropping me. I shout out in distress.

"Sorry" Bucky whispers.

"You will be," I murmur.

We arrive at the doorstep, Clint lets himself in.

"Honey, I'm home" he shouts.

"Agh, not so loud," I complain.

A lady walks into the living room with a baby in her arms. Clint kisses them both.

"You must be Nat's daughter," the lady smiles.

I nod before burying my head into the crook of Bucky's shoulder. Two kids come running into the room and collapse into Clint's arms.

"Hi kiddos," he smiles.

"Hate to stop your family reunion but can we get this stake out of my shoulder!" I shout careful not to swear as there are little kids around.

Bruce nods "You're not going to like this though as I don't have anesthetic".

"Just get it done and over with" I mumble.

"You can set up in the spare room upstairs," Clint tells Bruce.

He nods and goes to go get his stuff. Bucky takes me to the spare room where towels are already laid out on the bed. Bruce comes in with all his stuff.

"Ok so I need you, Steve, to stand by me and when I take out the stake cover the wound immediately so she doesn't bleed out, Bucky and Wanda can you hold her legs" Bruce instructs.

Bruce grabs a cloth and tells me to put it in my mouth. Kai comes and holds my hand.

"Here we go," Bruce mutters.

He grabs the end of the stake.

"3…...2…..1" he counts down before ripping out the stake.

"Ow you son of a bitch!!, fuck!" I yell my voice muffled from the cloth in my mouth.

I squeeze Kai's hand tight, arching my head back in pain. Steve puts pressure on the wound immediately to stop the bleeding. I continue yelling and thrashing around. It all becomes too much that I faint.

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