Chapter 1 

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Kami put her hair into a bun while she sat at the register of the lame ass gas station she works at.

She only worked at the gas station because her dad asked, and as much as she wanted to say no she just couldn't say no to her dad.

It wasn't very busy today it was actually really slow, only like 7 customers had come in so far.

It was already 12 pm and still no customers, Kami decided to get ready to leave thinking no one else was going to come.

''I fucking hate this shit''she mumbled to herself as she reached for her bag.

As soon as she got up to leave she heard people walk into the store.

'great' she thought to herself.

She sat back down and waited for the customers, as they walked towards the candy section she observed them.

They were 3 men, one was really tall and had dark hair with a middle part, he was wearing a simple black shirt with loose black jeans and chains around the pants.

The other one looked just a couple of inches shorter than the other dude, he had a buzz cut and he was wearing a black zip up jacket and sweatpants, he had a lip piercing which Kami thought was kinda cool.

The last one was shorter than the others, but not that much shorter, he had red stripes in the middle of his black hair, he was wearing dark blue camo pants with chains on them, and a windbreaker that had a big "S" on the back of it, he had a nose ring and his eyebrows pierced.

Kami thought he looked oddly familiar but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

When they were finally done they walked up to the cashier and put their stuff down. The short one looked up.

"Kami?" He asked while looking at her.

She of course was shocked because she didn't even have a name tag for fuck sake.

How did he know her name name?

"Remember me from high school?" He asked her.

She gave him a blank stare and then it finally hit her.

"Joey?! Joey Jordison?! oh my god!" Kami sprung up her seat and reached over the counter to pull Joey into a hug.

He hugged her back immediately pulling her closer.

After a while Joey let go and his friends gave him a strange look.

But Joey didn't seem to care.

"Wow you've changed so much!" Kami smiled looking him up and down.

"Yep I could say the same for you." he smirked as his eyes scanned her body.

"Wait how do you two know each other?" The tall man asked.

"She used to be my best friend in high school." he replied.

"Oh um nice, my name is Jim." the tall man said.

"And I'm Paul" the other one said introducing himself.

"I'm Kami." She introduced herself.

Jim reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, he looked like he was texting someone.

"Yo Joey we gotta go man Corey is waiting for us." Jim said, putting his phone back into his pocket.

They payed for their candy and said their goodbyes, while they were walking out the door Joey turned back around and ran back up to the register.

"Hey uh can I maybe get your phone number so we can hang out sometime?" Joey asked nervously.

"Of course" Kami replied.

He handed her his phone  and she quickly typed her number in.

"Thanks Kami, it was great seeing you again." he said smiling. 

"It was great to see you too Joey." Kami exclaimed.

He waved goodbye and ran back to his friends as they exited the  store.

Kami was in shocked at the fact that she didn't recognize her old best friend.

She grabbed her bag and walked out of the gas station, locking all the doors. She hopped into her car.

"Superbeast by Rob Zombie" started playing on the radio as she turned on her car, she smiled to herself, singing the lyrics while she drove back to her apartment.

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