Zdrada The Queen Bitch of Bitchtopia

Start from the beginning

((A/n): this is what Affinity look like))

Then a a godly voice rang out as Jubileus emerged from the holy light

Then a a godly voice rang out as Jubileus emerged from the holy light

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((A/n): This is Jubileus for those who are wondering))

Jubileus: well look who decided to show themselves

Zarathos: keep your guard up

(Y/n): noted. Hello Jubileus last I heard from you was when Cereza summoned Queen Sheba to punch you in to the sun

Jubileus: the famed witch will pay for that but she isn't why I'm here, the reason I'm here at all is The Infinite One has been causing trouble

(Y/n): what Rodin does shouldn't affect shouldn't you pricks in heaven anyway

As the bickering continues Malina is having a an argument with her sister about the hole situation

Zdrada: welp we're dead

Malina: I didn't see YOU do anything

Zdrada: what exactly do you expect me to do?

Malina: I dunno, maybe you coulda "bitched" on them, how 'bout that? That's all you appear to be good at these days, huh? Used you Bitch fu on them? Zdrada, the Mistress of "Bitching", that's they should call you! Seriously, Five ancient sages of bitchdom all gathered together one day on the peaks of Mount Bitch to proclaim your birth. And a hundred years later, when all the "bitch" stars had aligned, you were born and made everyone's life around you a living hell because YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH!!!

Pandemonica: you done Malina

Malina: *sighs in relief* yes

Modeus: um (Y/n) is doing something

Everyone looked towards (Y/n) location to find her in her Rider form splitting Affinitys in two and blasting them with a hellfire shotgun

(Y/n): really *fires shotgun* wish *fires another shot* Cereza's *fires again* witch *slices one in half* ass *slices another one* was *fires again* here right about now

Jubileus: I'm surprised Rider that you lasted this long but now you die Rider

(Y/n): yeah I highly doubt that Ms Death will allow me to die

Jubileus: well she'll just have to accept your death then

(Y/n): *starts growing in size* well you should know that I don't die easily *stops growing at the size of a small Kaiju* so prepare your anus

Jubileus: when could do this Rider?!?

(Y/n): always could, now to send you back where ya came from

After that (Y/n) throws a punch at Jubileus which they couldn't dodge in time which knocked them off balance, then proceeds to wale on them and with a solid uppercut (Y/n) and sent Jubileus back to where they came from

(Y/n): when God ask you why your back early tell em you ran into one of their divine Instruments of Vengeance

And with that Jubileus was sent back into the giant light and with rage full scream Jubileus is sent back into heaven and (Y/n) shrinking back down to normal size

(Y/n): that was extremely tiering but thank fuck that's over

Cerberus: yay! (Y/n) did it! *jumps onto (Y/n)*

(Y/n): damn it Cerberus

Pandemonica: I'm surprised you managed to survive all that

(Y/n): national talent

Modeus:well shouldn't we get a move on?

(Y/n): we should but my feet are sore and I want to rest before we move on

Zdrada: of course you do

(Y/n): quit your bitching and let me rest, Malina I'm using your lap as a pillow

Malina: *blushes* wh-what

(Y/n): you heard me, I'mma nap

(Y/n) passes out into a slumber as Malina quickly catches her then places (Y/n) lap as Malina continues to blush as slumber that takes (Y/n) but that end today's chapter I hoped you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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