Chapter 4: My Decision Is Final

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"A-actually I came to visit Alex. Where can I find him?" I was a little nervous.

"Oh, my son?" She asked "He is in his room. Just wait a minute, I'm calling him"

"Sure, Thank you" I bowed. Wow! His mother is so beautiful. I was sitting on the couch, in the hall when he appeared.

"Hey beautiful!"

I turned around to see the angelic soul with a red t-shirt in front of me"H-hey Alex!"

"Let's go to my room" I followed him, upstairs as he turned left, it was a long and dark way. I was kinda surprised that away from such a gullible nature, we came in the dark.

We were walking alone and still could hear our footsteps. It was completely empty. I glanced at Alex who's eyes were fixed in the front. After walking for 3-4 minutes, he turned right and I could see a door at the end of the hallway.

"That's your room?" I asked.

"Yea, pretty long way right? All this other rooms are for guests" he smiled as I nodded. We reached his room and he unlocked the door.

His room was amazing! It was huge with yellow furniture and beautiful lights.

"Ahem! Before you say further, don't tell me that my room is girly" he smiled as I laughed

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"Ahem! Before you say further, don't tell me that my room is girly" he smiled as I laughed.

"Of course not, but it's really beautiful"

"Take your seat and what do you wanna have?"

"Oh no, nothing is needed"

"I won't listen. You came here for the first time. Wait, I think I prepared something for you" he said and left.

I looked around and admired the room. My hostel room is nothing in front of it. He came back with a huge tray filled with colourful food...? Wait! Sweets??!!

"You're gonna make me blind with all this bright things someday" I laughed and he too.

"Then why not eat them?" He said, putting the plate on the table.

"Sure. So, how did you come across the idea of summoning?" I asked.

"Actually, I was always interested in all this kind of stuffs. I don't search of them for needs but interests and also I did a course in demonology"

"Wow, aren't you scared of all this?" I asked.

"That's the main thing, you need to put the fear out of your heart and if you use the rules properly, nothing will happen" he said.

"I see. Was summoning Furcas a part of your research?"

"After studying about the thing, I wanted to see if Demons really exists or not. I heard a lot but I wanted to see with my own eyes. I want to summon...the Satan"

"The Satan?!"

"Yeah, but it was way too dangerous so I gave up and planned on summoning Furcas. Summoning Furcas was easy compared to that and even Google gives ideas about him" Alex said

"Right, there's a single site about the summoning"

"Only few people comes across the site. You'll never know if it's a coincidence or you're being chosen" He said.

"What do you mean by being chosen?" I asked.

"The demons comes to human world once a while and as humans are the rulers, they want to seek their souls. But it only happens if you make a mistake while summoning. So, be careful in every step"

"It sounds terrifying...."

"That's why I was telling you not to do this. Life gives you many options but it's not necessary to choose all. You can never be permanently happy and a single mistake can—"

"Alex, I already told you that I got nothing to lose and I want to do this, so please help me" I said.

"Alright. I won't stop you then but don't tell me that I didn't warn you. I'll be warning you in each and every step" Alex said.

"I really appreciate it and you only said, we can do it successfully if we don't make any mistakes. I'm sure, with your help, I can do it" I smiled as he chuckled.

"Sure, let's see"

* * *

"Summoning Furcas"
— you'll never know if it's a coincidence or you're being chosen.

"Summoning Furcas"— you'll never know if it's a coincidence or you're being chosen

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