Soulmates AU ( part 1)

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Marinette's POV

I am about to turn 18, It has been years since Miracle Queen if you're wondering. Miracle queen was like a breeze compared to the past few years. Even to this day we couldnt capture Hawkmoth though we were unbelievably close sometimes.

I blame myself for that, we were so close to figuring out who hawkmoth was. Even though both Tikki and Chat tell me it was not my fault i cant help but feel that it is.

Chat Noir, another topic on my mind, i dont know what he was thinking when he kissed me. Well not me Ladybug, but me Marinette. I was just looking for a place where no one was so that i could transform , to beat Coupletta, who was akumatized by hawkmoth because she didnt feel loved by people around her. If you ask me something like the Glaciator but due to hawkmoth being shadowmoth she would trap the non couples in her bag, (maybe hawkmoth was running out of ideas?). Anyway, Chat noir randomly drops in next to me when im Marinette and i turn to find Coupletta aiming for us , when chat noir grabs me and kisses me. And that was not even the most bizarre part , i kissed him back, Me, Marinette Dupain-cheng.

Tikki waves her hands in front of me breaks me away from my thoughts. "Marinette classes start in 5 minutes hurry"
I pack all the  books for my desighning major and rush towards the bedroom door .
"Marinette theres something i need to tell you regarding the miracul-"
" Later tiki"i mind link.
Alya was my best friend both as Ladybug and Marrinette. She also helped me take care of the other quamis and yes i can mind link with tiki now. Yeah its as cool as it sounds, although it was wierd the first few times. I enter the main hall to find Alya waiting for me.

*timeskip to patrol time*
Omg i know it is gonna be awkward today. Atleast for me. I skip from roof to roof looking for akumas while moving towards the Eiffel Tower.
"Good evening M'lady"Chat Noir greets her
I look at him , his lips to be exact and start thinking of how soft they were. NONONO Bad Marinette, Chat Noir was nothing but a comrade, a partner, a FRIEND. I shakes my head and look away.
"Something wrong m'lady?" He asks me conserned
"Wrong, nothing wrong what would be wrong .Im fine everything's fine" I rambles
"OK if you say so"he gives me a suspicious look before turning away.
"Ill go South and you go North alright?" She asks
"Race you Bugaboo"
"You're On" I say smiling looking at chat noir running on rooftops. He always made me forget about me worries and made me feel like a kid again.

*timeskip to marinettes room after the patrol*
"Marinette i have something i have to tell you" Tiki says "The miraculous holders when they turn 18 they get a tatoo on their body with something that connects them to their soulmate, just like how i can talk to you with mind link this is also kind of the same thing. "
"Tiki why didnt you tell me about this"
"Well i did try telling you a few times but you were busy with gaurdian duties and your exams"
"Im really sorry Tiki. Are there any side -effects or additional details i need to know"
"Well you might get flashes of your soulmate's mind like you can either read their mind at times or you can see what they are seeing or you may see flashes of their past.It only last a few months but depends on the person."

Adriens POV

It was my eighteenth birthday. Im legally an adult. But i still feel like myself. I was having a small birthday party with all my highschool and college friends. I had asked father to come but he had an important interview today so he couldnt come. Not that i didnt expect it, you'd think you'd get used to it after a while but it still hurt. Focus you've got to get ready for the party. I get inside my shower and let the hot water wash away all my frustation and sadness. I look at muself in the mirror and notice a tatoo under my right ear. It was a small intricate drawing of a black umbrella with raindrops bringing colour to it. I was shocked but i mean who wouldnt be. I dont even remember getting a tattoo maybe it was that one time i got super drunk with Nino and the boys that we ended up in the pool. Just then Plagg comes in .
"Happy Birthday kid, Oh i see you got your soulmate mark"
"Oh didnt i tell you about the soulmate mark? Must have forgotten , its just something miraculous users get when they turn 18 it tells them about their soulmate. But you have to figure out who it is based on your Tattoo. Before it used to be letters but now they even have pictures. All this talk has made me exhausted. Im going to go get me some Camembert." plagg says flying out of the bathroom

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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