The Fuck is Up with Edward

Start from the beginning

"Do I smell or something?" She questioned. What the fuck have I just stepped into?
"No B, you do not smell. The only scent on you is  Lavender & Freesia - your usually perfume. What brought this on?"
Bella goes on to explain her strange biology class with Edward where he acted like she stunk before running out at the hell. THEN this motherfucker was in the office trying to drop biology and when she came in to drop off her slip, he glared at her with hatred and stormed out. Ahhh so that's when the door almost gave me a new eyeshadow color 😒
Turning in my slip to Mrs.Cope with thanks for all of her assistance today, I made my way outside with Bella. I walked her over to her truck  but before she got in I stopped her.
"Look at me B, do not let that asshole destroy your peace of mind! If there are few things the two of us share its brains, beauty, and the capacity to properly shower. You have done nothing wrong, don't give that uppity twig any sway over your selfworth because you are more precious than gold. I love you ,"

She smiled at me before squeezing my hand tightly, "Thanks Lala; I love you too,"
Aww she hasn't called me that is a long time.

"Well come on, let's go meet daddy at the diner,"
Before hopping into my Jeep, my eyes found Jasper and his family by their cars. Giving almost all of them a wave, and Edward a glare, I hopped into my Jeep and pulled out of the lot.

I can't wait to talk to Jasper tonight...

Jasper POV

Catching up to Edward, I grabbed his shoulder to make him face me, "What the hell was that Edward?!"
He looked at me with a hard glare, this boy needs to remember that there's a time and place for his bullshit and minutes after nearly harming my mate in a public school carpark is not it. He's lucky the Major hasn't clawed his way out yet.
The rest of our siblings were waiting by the car with varying degrees of confusion and concern on their faces. No doubt from hearing my questioning. I explained what happened in the hall just now and all of them were upset by Edward's actions. We stared at him waiting on an explanation.

"She's my freaking singer!" Edward suddenly blurted out.
Oh shit!
"Yeah Jasper! Bella Swan is my blood singer. I should've knkwn something like this would happen; the entirety of that class I was imagining scenarios to kill her,"

"It's true, I was setting visions of it during last peeiod; the only reason why I didn't have to intervene is because he was so indecisive about which method was best. The bell rang snapping him out of the blood lust," Alice confirmed

We stood there for a silently until Edward stiffened up again, staring at the school doors. Guess that means Bella and Lana have stepped out. I watched my mate walk her sister over to the orange monstrosity that is her 'truck'. She and Rose had talked out some ideas to give it some TLC; hopefully it will be soon. The sisters were talking, Bella more specifically was describing her short interactions with Edward during biology & I could sense Lana's anger spike at the mistreatment of her twin. Not surprising, she did say she was protective of those she loved, she was always gonna look out for Bella.
Just like this morning, she gave her sister another pep talk reminding her of her self worth. She really is so veryvadorably caring, my sweet little mate. As she prepares to leave, she turns around to wave at my family and I - well she glared at edward, and pulls off with her sister's truck following her Jeep.

Once they've left, we all pack into the vehicles and head for home. As we're driving, windows down so we could keep speaking, Alice gets another vision.
"Your leaving Edward,"

"I don't know , am I?" This little shit ....

"You can't leave! Everything will be fine,"

"How will everything be fine when I just spent an entire class period contemplating the murder of girl, I'm suppose to love one day?! This is why I said Jasper and I shouldn't interact with them-"

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