Finally We Meet

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Jasper's POV

This is it, the day I get to see her for the first time, to experience her for the first time. I had four different outfits out trying to decide which one would be best, but before I could decide a precognitive pixie burst into my room with an outfit.

 I had four different outfits out trying to decide which one would be best, but before I could decide a precognitive pixie burst into my room with an outfit

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"She's going to love it, and your going to thank me," she sang as she danced off with a wink. How Dominic keeps up with her energy, we'll never know.

Walking down to meet the others, I could see them all with sly smirks as they were just as excited to witness the meeting as I was to experience it. Well almost everyone, I could feel Edward's apprehension. He's spent the whole weekend trying to convince me to stay away from her, my Alana~Grace, he didn't stop until the Major slipped out for a moment to warn him off.
We all hopped into the Edward's Volvo and Emmett's jeep and headed towards Forks High, a usual pain in my ass, but today I'm actually looking forward to being in a building filled with adolescents because it meant she'd be there.
Pulling in I noticed a another jeep, in a rich cherry red parked across the lot from our usual spots. As we climbed out Alice confirmed that it was her car.
Dammit I missed her already!

"Don't worry Jasper you'll have plenty of chances to see her today, in fact she's in a lot of your classes," Alice reassured me. Well at least I can spend most of my day getting to know her. We were about to head in when I smelt her, honey and vanilla with lavender just underneath. My Alana~Grace was walking out of the building looking over her class schedule. She's more beautiful than Alice's drawing, and I was right she was more than petite.

"Ally-baby I'm afraid you've lost your place as the family pixie," Dominic teased.
"I told you I wouldn't be the shortest anymore, I happily pass on the mantle," Alice replied

"Don't worry Alice, your still the family fairy though," I threw back for good measure. I could see her pouting out of the corner of my eye as the rest of us chuckled.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, how she walked with her head high, confidence blasting off her skin like tsunami waves. The sunglasses on her face blocked me from witnessing what was sure to be mesmerizing to beautiful eyes. From her long flowing brown hair to heel clad tiny feet, my Alana~Grace was flawless, the epitome of perfection. And she was mine, I hadn't even spoken to her yet, and I knew she owned me. Anything she could ask for I would give without hesitation.

She finally made it back to her jeep and just sat on the hood waiting, he head turned towards the parking lot entrance, probably looking for her twin. I wonder if she could feel the mating pull?

I continued to stare until she began to move again, but this time only her head to stare right back at me. She could feel it, her soul recognizes mine.  I want to walk over, introduce myself, wrap my arms around her, sink my teeth in her neck to claim her- but that would have to wait for a while. Her emotions were all over the place; confused but intrigued, lustful but apprehensive, confident but insecure, all under my gaze. Oh don't worry baby, I plan on spending eternity making sure you know how absolutely perfect you are.  I flash her a small smile and I get one in return. Before anything else though her attention is grabbed again by another brown haired girl, that must be her sister.

Huh so their fraternal twins, they certainly do appear to be total opposites. While Alana was dressed fashionably in her low cuz sweater and leather pants, her twin Isabella was merely wearing a bowling t-shirt and jeans. Alana held her head high & Isabella seemed to try and hide behind her sister.

"Oh hell no! Bella, head high you have no reason to hide your beautiful self. If anything your head should be high because your walking next to me, your gorgeous twin," Alana spoke to her sister with a smirk on her face. There it is, her voice was beautiful, almost melodic. It was even pitched with a slight rasp to it like her vocal cords were used to being stretched well beyond their limits.

"She's a singer Jasper," Edward suddenly spoke up. I raised a questioning brow.

"You thought her voice was used to being stretched, it is. She used to sing in a restaurant back in Phoenix as a part time job & she looking to do the same thing here in Port Angeles on the weekends,"

"We'll definitely have to get her to sing for us then," Emmett commented

"Oh we're gonna hear her soon; I'll make sure of it," Alice chimes in

The warning bell goes off as we finally make our way inside the school and to our homerooms. As usual the students move out of our way through the halls, some to gawk in lust and others with envy. It's always the same with teenagers, they either wanna fuck you, fight you, or talk shit about you. Whatever, let's get the day moving onto Literature.

I walked back to my desk in the back corner of the classroom and as usual I'm one of the first few there. Not long after I sit and open my notebook does my mate walk in. God she looks amazing, even through the slightly big sweater, I can tell her body is tight with perky breasts and subtle curve to her hips and ass. I know the only available seat in the class right now is the one next to mine, so I wait until she walks back after speaking with Mr. McCale.

As she gets closer, her heart beats faster & if mine could still beat, I have no doubt it'd be the same. She sat down and flashed me another smile, but this one took up her whole face.  Oh I'd give anything to have that smile pointed at me every damn day.

"Hello, I'm Jasper Hale, it's a pleasure to meet you," I offer her my hand as if to shake.

She slips her hand in mind and I flip it over to brush my lips against her warm tanned skin. She's silent for a moment, slightly dazed by my actions.

"Hello Jasper, I'm Alana~Grace, but you can call me Lana. It's lovely to meet you too,"

Before we could speak anymore, Mr. McCale began the lesson; I could feel Lana's relief that we're starting new material today. Well new for the the humans, "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe was a decent read.

"At least I won't have to worry about playing catch-up on previous readings," she whispered

"Even if you did, I would've gladly offered to help you darlin," she flashed me that gorgeous smile again.

"We'll aren't I the lucky girl,"

"No you got that wrong, if anything, I'm lucky to spend any amount of time with you,"
And I've earned myself another smile.

We spent the rest of the period getting to know each other & flirting. Lana showed me her schedule and with the exception of gym, study hall, & choir - we have every class together.

The bell finally rings and we make our way to pre-calculus. As we moved through the hallways, I could feel the stares of students and judging by the annoyance rolling off of Lana, so could she.

"God it's like I'm at the zoo, except I'm the animal the kids wanna poke at," she grumbled with and adorable pout. My little mate is adorable when frustrated.

"I'm afraid, that might also be my fault partially as well. My family and I don't really interact with anyone here since we've moved here; the fact that we're talking had probably put a bigger target on your back beautiful,"

"Don't blame yourself, if this is how they react to anything new or different - I can see why your family chose to stay away. In fact, if I hear any shit, I'm gonna thoroughly enjoy placing some bitches in their proper place!"
Mmmmm feisty, that's sexy as hell.

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