SEVEN. olivia

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     OLIVIA was getting ready to go surprise quinn, it was their two week anniversary, which might not have been a huge deal, but the girl had gotten a small cake for the girls to share.

she sang along to her 'getting ready' playlist, a lana del rey song had come on, as she blended in her concealer. 

she curled her eyelashes and put on mascara, before looking in the mirror and smiling happily.

she really liked quinn, she genuinely thought she could be happy with her, and that was getting over florence.

quinn had texted olivia that she wanted to take a nap, so if she didn't answer for a while that was why, which was perfect and gave olivia the opportunity to wake her up with her favorite coffee, and some cake.

she was nervous when she got in the car, but like a good, excited type of nervous.

when she got into quinn's apartment, (she had received a set of keys from her girlfriend) she started decorating the table by putting out the flowers she brought, a candle, and the cake.

she took a quick picture before quietly sneaking over to quinn's room and cracking open the door.

she widened it a tiny bit more, and wish she never had.

"what the fuck?" olivia exclaimed, and the two girls (her girlfriend being one of them) jumped apart.

"fuck," quinn swore, as she wrapped the sheets around herself, throwing a blanket to emily, who looked almost unbothered.

"babe, let me explain," quinn pleaded, and olivia glared at her harshly.

"fine," the girl snapped, "when did this start?"

"december," quinn said carefully in response, trying not to further anger the girl, which was not going well.

"december?!" olivia exclaimed, "you got into a fucking relationship with me, knowing you were screwing emily," who was actually almost smirking, "who was dating florence?! what the fuck, quinn!"

"i'm sorry-" quinn started to say, but olivia cut her off.

"i don't fucking care that you're 'sorry', you cheated on me, and emily cheated on florence with you, so you're both shit people!"

"drama queen," emily muttered under her breath, which angered olivia so much more.

"emily, i know you're a cunt, but do you maybe wanna pretend you're not, seeing as you just got caught cheating, and i could leak that to any fucking source and your career would go up in flames." olivia snapped, and emily looked a little frightened, in a way.

"baby, i'm sorry, please forgive me," quinn pleaded, "if anything it's all em's fault, she gave me all this 'babe, she'll never find out' crap, and i believed it! i was manipulated!"

"quinn," olivia spoke up, and the other girl had a hopeful look growing on her face, "save it. we're done."

olivia walked out of the room dropping the keys down on the table, and left, getting into her car, and putting in the first destination that came to mind.

authors note
drama??? drama.

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