Chapter 2

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It was a white building, with a huge red cross on its paint. It felt predictable, Serrie has thought at first, that it was obvious Whirl was a Healer. A cute hospital building - then it hit her.

There was something totally WRONG with the building. It was standing at a rather crooked angle, green slime covering parts of the dirty white wall. The paint was chipped, but what horrified and explained the most were some pink, irregularly-shaped objects strewn at the doorway, terrifyingly familiar.


"Whirl - you are a zombie?" Serrie whispered, turning over to her - then realizing she wasn't there, but ahead her, tugging Serrie towards the building. Standing perfectly fine on her 'bruised' leg.

"Yeah. You're so naïve, Serrie, it's laughable. I hadn't known you guys would fall for this - no pun intended! - so easily!" Whirl laughed deviously, and Serrie soon found herself inside the dingy building (and wishing to eat Vee).

"Wasn't this traitor mode?" Serrie failed to comprehend.

"Zombie Traitor Mode," Whirl explained, "You did a mistake, then so naively came trotting up. Stupid," she added sweetly, giving Serrie a seat.

Serrie took it, and Whirl gave her some magazines. Serrie rolled her eyes. "Nice touch. Such a spa salon, isn't it?"

Whirl grinned, "Gotta make you happy!"

A bout of jitters crossed her nerves. "Are you going to like, bite me like, I mean, um, know what I mean?"

Whirl looked amused. "No, what do you think of me as? I use my crocodile to bite you. Sanitary reasons! You get to keep one of your own, don't worry."

Serrie closed her eyes, tried to sing, "We all make mistakes, that's alright, that's okay, in the end it's good for me -" When she realized this reflected the situation too much, she changed the song.

"And all the kids cried out, 'Please stop you're scaring me!'"

She decided not to sing at all.

She felt a tickle around her toes, kind of like that cute puppy, Zoru, who loved to nip her shoes at home. She opened her eyes cautiously and saw an adorable, bright green crocodile. What the heck, it looked as cute as Zoru?

"It's Sayu, isn't she adorable? You're officially a zombie now, m'kay? You get Ryuk to keep," she said brightly, pointing to an even cuter crocodile.

"Oh my god - listen, we better get going on with the 'bruised' leg act," Serrie said. Whirl nodded.

They soon reached the city square garden place thing, surprisingly early. Only Mizty was there, looking bored.

"Hello hello, the TV will be running any moment now. Nothing from the broadcaster as of this night, if you didn't know," she said calmly.

"Thanks! Whirl, you can sit there - yeah!" Serrie said, and curled her legs on a bench. Shadow arrived soon, looking sleepy. Mocha and Falcon came next, then Phoenix, who Serrie hadn't known was playing.

Then Vee came (no one died, then), with a handsome blonde guy who no one knew at all. He had chocolate-brown eyes and messy pale hair, high cheekbones and a simply dazzling smile. "Hey guys, look who I got with me?" Vee giggled.

Mocha tried to guess. "Uh, Polar abused admin perms and sneaked into this game?"

Mizty groaned, "Your stupidity is fatal. First off, Polar is a polar bear. Second - well, I don't think you need any more reasons!" She sighed, and Shadow smirked.

"No one died?" Phoenix said, ignoring the blonde guy.

"Hey!" The blonde guy said, "It's me, Noah! I'm one of the partner people who helped make this bot." He had a name now, well.

"Oh ok, Noah," Shadow said, "Whaz up? Do developers usually snek in the games like this?"

"Hey, I am a guy, not a snek! And well, no. The thing is ... something wrong happened." Noah looked squeamish.

"Yeah?" Falcon asked.

"You are literally stuck in the game, and can't get out."

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