Chapter 6: single released

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Songs in this chapter:

Partners in Crime by Finneas

After the show, no one wanted to go home; so instead, they threw an impromptu party at the Potter/Black flat. Remus had to drop some things off at his apartment first so the party was in full swing by the time he arrived.

There weren't many people there, just the band, Mary, and Desdemona, but in the flat's small living room, it was more than enough to feel cozy. The lights had been dimmed and someone's cell phone was playing distant music that could barely be heard over the drunk chatter.

They all cheered when Remus walked in and James rose to get him a beer. As they walked into the kitchen, James handed him a drink, but he didn't move to go back into the main room. He looked like he was working up to say something.

"Quite a show tonight," Remus said as he sipped his drink.

"Yeah, yeah," James said but his mind was elsewhere.

"What's up with you?" Remus said it casually, but he was a bit concerned about how distracted James was.

"Do you think you could..." James started but then stopped himself, "Nevermind it's a dumb idea."

James tried to push past him but Remus reached out a hand to stop him, "James, what?"

"Do you think you could invite Lily? I mean only if you want to. If you don't I completely understand, I just thought it might be nice to hang out with her. It's a bit late but -"

"James," Remus cut off his rambling and forced James to look at him. "I'll totally invite Lily."

James' face broke out into a smile, "Thanks, mate. You're the best." James went back into the living room and Remus pulled out his phone to call Lily.

She picked up on the fourth ring, "Hey, Remus. What's up?" She sounded tired but not like she had been sleeping.

"Hey Lils, are you free right now?"

"Am I free at 1 am?" Lily asked. "I'm almost scared to say yes."

"Don't worry, nothing sinister," Remus chuckled. "The band and I are just hanging out. We just had this really great gig. There were like 400 people there."

"That's amazing, Remus."

"Yeah, thank you, Lily." Her opinion seemed to matter more to him than he thought it would. "So we're celebrating at James' flat. I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"You want me to come over to James' house at 1 am?"

"Yeah, I know it's strange -"

"I'll do it," she cut him off. "Send me the address."

When Remus walked back into the living room and told them the good news, James literally stood up and shook Remus' hand.

"You're a good man, Moony," he said. "Remind me to make you best man at the wedding."

"Hey!" Sirius said from where he was sitting with Mary on the couch, "I've had that reserved for half a decade."

James turned, "Yet I've known Remus for a month and he's already gotten me a better chance with Lily than you have in all those years."

Remus put his hands up in surrender, "I'm not playing matchmaker. I just want to hang out with Lily and if James enjoys her company too, then I am not going to complain."

Remus went to sit in the armchair next to the couch. Mary and Sirius were on one end while Peter and Desdemona were on the other, completely engrossed in their own conversation. James had no issue sitting in between the two couples, which Remus was grateful for.

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