Chapter 5: the power of twitter

Start from the beginning

"Want a drink?" Remus asked, mostly because he needed a distraction from the attractive and unavailable boy sitting on his bed.

"God, yes," Sirius replied instantly. Remus got up and started pouring out some cheap vodka and club soda. It wouldn't taste good, but it would get the job done.

By the time Remus turned back to Sirius with a drink, the other boy was already enthralled in the book. "Are you liking it?" he asked.

"It's so easy to read," Sirius said, amazed.

"Well, it was written for 11-year-olds."

"Can I borrow this?"

Remus wanted to laugh, "Are you being serious right now?"

"I'm always Sirius," he replied with a grin.

Remus groaned loudly and sat down on the bed. "How have I not heard that one before?"

"Well, James and Peter learned long ago to remove that word from their vocabulary." Sirius accepted the drink from Remus' hand. "But can I borrow it?"

"Yeah, of course. What's mine is yours."

Sirius closed the book and put it in his jacket pocket. Sirius turned to examine the cluttered little flat around him, but eventually, his gaze fell on Remus. His icy blue eyes met Remus' green ones. Remus never remembered eye contact feeling so intense.

"How is Mary?" Remus asked, mostly to remind Sirius and himself of the very real girlfriend Sirius was here to escape.

"Fuck Mary," Sirius said and took a long sip of his drink.

"Don't you?" Remus asked, amused. He moved to lay down on the bed and Sirius laid down next to him. They didn't look at each other, but they couldn't have been more than inches apart. Remus could hear the even rise and fall of Sirius' breath.

"I don't want to talk about Mary," Sirius said to the air between them.

"Then what do you want to talk about?" It felt like a much deeper question than Remus had meant it to be.

Sirius turned on his side. Remus knew he was looking at him, but he refused to turn and meet him. "When did you pierce your ears?" Sirius asked.

"I think I was nineteen," Remus remembered. "My friends and I all got drunk and pierced each other's ear with a needle."

"Wasn't it painful?"

"Not really. I mean we were so drunk." Remus tried to call up how it felt, "It just feels like a needle going through your ear."

Sirius reached out and touched the small golden hoops Remus had in. Remus tried his very best to remain still as Sirius' hand brushed against his cheek. "I like them," Sirius said softly.

"Thank you," Remus said because he didn't know what else he could possibly say. Remus knew he should break the tension somehow - stand up or turn away from Sirius' touch - but he didn't want to. There was something so addictive about Sirius Black.

"Could you pierce mine?" Sirius asked, finally removing his hand and sitting up to take another drink. Remus finally dared to look over at Sirius. His face was lit by the warm glow of Remus' lamp but his hair was caught in the moonlight. He was gorgeous like this - when he wasn't showing off or trying to catch someone's eye. His beauty could be so casual.

Mary is a lucky woman , Remus thought to himself and then finished his drink.

"Yeah, I can pierce them if you want. I think I have a needle around here somewhere." Remus stood up and started rummaging through his things.

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