6. I was talking about Saihara!

Start from the beginning

"I was talking about Saihara!"

Kaito doesn't even like guys. How could he possibly like Shuichi.

"That liar was just doing what he does best, lying! I won't believe a damn word he says. I'll prove him wrong!"

"Uhhh Kaito?"

"Oh Shuichi!" Kaito didn't even realize he was standing in front of Shuichi's house.

"You talk to yourself a lot don't you?" Shuichi said with a small smile and Kaito couldn't help but smile back, despite being a little embarrassed.

"Yea haha...I picked it up as a kid and it never left I guess. Anyway, follow me! Momota Kaito, Luminary of the Stars! You're gonna say wow when you see the pretty stars!" Kaito cheered leading the way.

So they walked until they approached the woods.
"O-Oh right...it's uh, in the woods...I-I guess I forgot it would be d-different at n-night..."

Shuichi looked at Kaito's face remembering Kaito wasn't fond of anything with ghosts and woods were often associated with such.
"We can go somewhere else-"

"N-Nope! Actually I bet your scared. So then I'll just hold your hand for you sidekick!" Kaito said while Shuichi just shook his head.

"I-I'm good- alright..then.." he said as Kaito grabbed his hand and held it tightly.
"Then are you gonna lead the way?" Shuichi asked as Kaito nodded nervously taking a few steps forward. They walked Kaito muttering about being cool despite his shaky voice.

"Kaito we can go somewhere else. Anywhere is okay if your there with me."

Kaito froze for a second at those words.

"With you?" Kaito asked and Shuichi nodded and smiled nervously.

Kaito thought about those words.

With him...he means as a friend right. That's how I feel with him. Anywhere is fine as long as we're together, as friends.

"Well of course you wanna come with me! I'm your hero after all! So as the brave hero I shall protect-" Kaito said before he took a step forward hearing a loud noise and screaming. Not really thinking he hugged Shuichi and hid behind him.


"You just...stepped on a branch and it broke Kaito..."

"O-Oh....r-right...I uh...I knew that! I-I was just making sure ummm.....that you wouldn't...be scared? Cause I'm d-definitely not scared!"

"Kaito if you're scared you can say so...I won't look at you differently...I mean...y-your always a hero...to...m-me." Shuichi said looking away from Kaito. Kaito felt his heart flutter as Shuichi said that, but he ignored it.

I'm just scared, that's all- wait no! I'm not scared! I'm a hero! Like Shuichi said! What he said means nothing more to me then just being his hero.

"Y-Yep! And you'll always be my sidekick!" Kaito cheered as he stepped forward again, but not letting go of Shuichi.

After a little bit more of walking and a few scares of little things, they made it to a clear spot where trees surrounded the area.

"We finally made it! Come on let's look Shuichi!" Kaito said running to the middle dragging along Shuichi who didn't mind. Once in the middle, Kaito pointed up at the sky naming constellations, and talking about space. Shuichi looked at Kaito as he talked, and he had to look away every now and then.

"...and what makes it even cooler is- hey are you listening sidekick?" Kaito asked as Shuichi looked the other way from Kaito.

"Y-Yes I'm listening...i-it's just um..." Shuichi trailed off before he finally looked at Kaito with a slightly red face. Kaito stood confused before Shuichi glanced down in middle of them. Kaito looked and his face turned slightly red before he let go of Shuichi's hand.

"O-Oh! M-My bad bro, I was so eager about the stars I didn't even realize."

"I-it's fine...can we maybe sit down?"

"Of course!" Kaito cheered as the two sat down and Kaito continued to ramble on about space.

"Hey Shuichi, when I go to the moon, you better wave at me!"

"I don't think I could see you from earth...and I doubt you could see me either.."

"So! Doesn't mean I won't be thinking about you! And Maki of course, and my grandparents, so I'll still wave down like I can see you! So you should do the same! After all you are my best friend, and sidekick!"

Shuichi looked at Kaito as he spoke with a smile looking at the moon and he couldn't help but smile.

"Y-Yea...hey Kaito...um if you don't mind me asking...how do you feel about Maki now...is it...getting better?"

Kaito thought a little about the question. It made him second guess what he said to her a lot, but that's all he could really think.

"Well you know....I mean even Ouma said she was never interested in me, he somehow knew I guess. Anyway...I know I'll never have a chance. It's a little hard to accept it, but it's the truth." Shuichi watched closely as Kaito spoke. Kaito turned his head to Shucihi and they both stared at each for a few moments.

Kaito never realized how pretty Shuichi looked. His eyes were very pretty, and his skin looked extremely soft. The small awkward but cute smile fit him very well.

Shuichi's face turned pink and he quickly looked away before Kaito did the same not even realizing he was staring at shuichi.

Then he realized something else.

Shuichi is cute. Very cute. Huh? No. I mean he's a cute guy, it's not a gay thing. I'm not- I don't like guys, I don't like Shucihi. I'll prove it.

Not really thinking about what he was doing, he squished Shuichi's cheeks, just like he would with Maki when he liked her.

"H-Huh?! K-Kaito! W-What are you doing?!"

Kaito slowly removed his hands as he stared at Shuichi not really knowing what to think.

It's that same feeling...with Maki...no. It's not. Nickname, what's a nickname for him. ShuShu?


"S-Shu...Shu..? Kaito a-are you okay...?"

Kaito was speechless.

I can't believe it...

"S-Sorry sidekick! I-I w-wasnt thinking! A-Anyway...w-we shoukd get going! I-It's a little late!" Kaito stuttered out standing up and walking ahead as Shuichi slowly stood up.

"I-It's like with Maki...exactly like Maki! But...stronger? T-Then...I...like...I like...Shuichi..?"

"W-What was that?" Shuichi asked catching up with Kaito as he heard his name.

"N-Nothing...but um...bro...you're...okay with Ouma right? You're getting better right?"

"Yea...we're just friends...and that's all it'll ever be...I understand that. Im okay with that..."

"Im glad. Because...I care about you...a lot..." Kaito knew he shouldn't get his hopes up, especially after what happened last time, but maybe...he really did have a chance this time.

After all, Shuichi's cheeks were a slight shade of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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