Chapter 2

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This first thing you did when you sat down on your chair was to take out a notebook and pen. You decided to write all the things you currently know and your plans.

> It is clear that you, apparently, have a past life, since you remember playing this game, and the bits of it clearly. Unfortunately, it is still unknown to you how you manage to get here, and the current events of your past life is still blurry. It's like looking at the wind, you know that it's there, but you can't see it.

> You have to stop the deletion of any characters. If you can, try to stop any interruption of anyone in the game. The more changes a character made, the more glitched out the game will be—that is just your theory though.

> Save everyone, not technically 'saving' them, but at least try to stop any misfortune that could befall upon them, one of it would be Monika messing up with the game's file.

> Find a way to open up the game's directory, and access it. Hopefully, Monika will help you with this one.

> Find a way to get out of this game universe (this one is still not a clear one, considering that you don't know if you died in your past life; hopefully not, because if you did, you won't have a body to go back anymore.)

You lift you head up and looked around, a feeling of dread filling you up at the sight of your classmates, or at least what they are coded be, blurry. You can't even see a face, they're like mindless puppets.

Maybe you could try to skip class?

You stood up from your chair, not even surprised that no one paid attention to you. You decided to head for the open door when you were stopped by an invisible barrier. Bumping your head into it.

"Gah!" You winced.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound filled your ears once again. You felt your chest tightening at the familiar sound.

"N-no, not again, please..."

You were feeling dizzy, and black spots occupied your eyesight. You shut your eyes tight and whimpered.


The buzzing turned louder.


Someone was talking to you but you were too afraid to open your eyes.

A̴̗̥̣̖͂̈́͒r̷̗̻̠̀͘ě̶̌͘͜͝ͅ ̷̤̗̤̥͕̂͘y̶̧͚̬̲͚͑ȍ̸̤̦̅͊̚ȕ̵͉͔͈̖̍́̔ͅ ̵̫̤̮͉̓̐p̴̬̜̣̟͆͒̕͘l̴̯̹̋͠a̶͈͊̿̈́y̶̖̻̯̺͆͝ì̶̢̛̖̱̙̳͋̋̚ń̴̢͔̫̦̀̇̆ͅģ̶͎̓̌́̾̽ ̴̛̛̻͙͇͊͗t̸̢̞̺̺́̊ͅh̸̺͍̕ͅą̵͐̀̐̉͝t̵͍̔̐ ̸͇̇̊̂̄g̷̺̼̺̫̣̈́̑̀̑a̷̰̘̻̯̥͆͋͋̀͠m̴̛̳̭̹̻͌͆̍̓ề̷̬̩͜ ̸͖͛̆̂̇͝a̴̼͎̅͛̈́g̷͈̮̈́͜à̵̛̗̍̀̕ĭ̶̧̈́̍̈́n̵̗̖͉̰̤̄͂̌̍̕?̷͓͉̿ͅ

"H-huh?" You turned around and saw the familiar e/c eyes of your mother. "No, I'm not!" You tried to defend yourself with a nervous chuckle.

She laughed at your reaction. "Are you obsessing over that Monika girl again?"

"Am not!" You pouted, your cheeks heating up. "Besides, just because she's my favorite character that doesn't mean that I would obssess over her. I have a lot of responsibilities to, you know?"

Your mother nodded. "Yeah, and one of it is to go back to school this afternoon. The student council adviser is looking for you. She told me that you have to meet with the Principal regarding a program to be held at school."

You groaned, irritation washing over you. "I shouldn't have ran as Student Council Secretary."

She patted your head, and handed you a snack. "It's your fault," she teased.

"I joined for research, okay? I didn't expect to win." You let out another groan. "Someone just take me out of this world," you cried out.

Your mother laughed harder. "Be careful of what you wish for." She handed you another thing.

"Woah, isn't this the book that I requested last month?" You smiled, hugging the book with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I̶͖̮̅͒́̾̕ ̶̜̭͇͂̈́́̕͜b̸̞̺̗̄͌̏̎̀͜o̴̡̟̱͐́̌͘͠ư̶̖̖̲̿̐g̸͔̼̿̑̌̀h̴̹̤̩͐̑̇̓̈́t̴͉̓ ̵͖̥̠͠ȳ̵̮̦͙̠̏o̸̡͕̥̣̎̀͂ṵ̷̈́̐͂͘ ̵͇̏t̴̗̝͓͒̋̾̈́h̸̻̤͖̜̰̋ã̴͈̭̦̖t̵̢̑--"


What was that? Is that what your mother looked like? Is that your past life? You stared at the ground with wide eyes. You didn't know how, but you were once again back at your desk.

What's the title of that book?


You snapped your head up in surprise, and saw Satori giving you a worried look once again.


""I̸͍͊̈́ ̵̭͝ṫ̵͙̙h̶̺̎̿̏o̴̰͊̈́ṵ̶̧͋͒g̷͈̝͊̂h̶̙̠̝̽̓̉t̵̯̳̽ ̴̬͙̐I̴̤̦̙̒͐̓'̷͈̋d̵́̅ͅ ̸̫̮̘͘c̷̢̣͗a̷̢͑͛̾t̷͍̥͓̿͂̔c̴̨̱̕h̸̢̠͑̓ ̸̧̼͋̀y̷͖͒̂̾o̵̠͊̊̄ǘ̴̩̗̲̎͑ ̵͔̓̐̉c̷̮͈̋ò̷̭͖ṃ̶̓i̴͙͖̦̓͑n̵͈̓͒͜g̵͇͙̺̿̏̉ out of the classroom, but I saw you just sitting here and spacing out, so I came in. Honestly, you're even worse than me sometimes... I'm impressed!" He explained.

"You don't need to wait up for me if-" you stopped, eyes widening in realization that you're saying a part of the script.

You quickly stood up and grabbed your things, reaching out for his hand and dragging him away from your classroom.

"You're going to show me where the club is, right? Let's go," you said, trying your best to speed walk while dragging a shock Satori behind you.

"Y-yeah. Woah, Y/n, wait! You're walking the wrong way!"

You frozed, you cheeks heating up as you turned your head to the side. "O-oh, sorry."

He laughed, and ruffled your hair. You gave him a glare and slapped his hand away.

Great. Now you're acting like Natsuki.

"It's this way, let's go." This time, he dragged you with him, and not a moment later, you both arrived at the clubroom.

You stared at the very familiar third year hallway, the light brown doors, and even the bulletin board next to it. You gulped, scraping a hand through your hair to ease your nervousness as Satori open the clubroom doors.

"Everyone! The new member is here~!"

And thus, today marks the day where you should've sold your soul for cupcakes but decided to be freaking hero instead.

Well, wish you luck.

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