"Calm down. Do I look like I'm gonna hurt you?" The figure grinned. The boy stared up at him. He looked about ten, maybe eleven. The boy went back to the dead creature.

"Keep eating..." The figure said, turned away to think.

"How did one of these guys get down here? I could just kill him..." The figure began. He looked back at the boy, eating and staring him down. The figure grinned.

"However..." He began. He walked back over to him.

"You're alone, right?" He asked. The boy stared at him for a moment before nodding.

"You don't say... I am too..." The figure explained. He stuck his hand out for him to grab.

"Say... why don't we team up?" The figure grinned. The boy stared at him, then took his hand.

"Great. You can call me Azrael. What's your name?" The figure asked...

Six Years Later...

"Can I get two, please?" A boy with short, white hair asked. A "monster", or what the boy calls them, nodded, whipping up food for him. The boy waited, looking around. He was slightly tapping his foot in a beat. The monster handed him two of the same food. The boy took it, handed him some change, and headed off.

"I've been looking forward to this!" The boy said, quite happy to enjoy the food he got. It had toasted bread on top and the bottom, and in between was meat and veggies. If you were wondering, yes, it's a burger. However, the meat was definitely not steak, or cow steak, at least. The boy took a bite out of it.

"Mm! Great!" He said happily, sitting on a bench. Around him, "monsters" walked by, not paying any mind to him. The boy quickly finished up his burger. As he did, he glanced at the second one he had. He looked around, then reached to grab it.

"You're not thinking about eating mine too, are you?" A small, black rectangle asked. It was Azrael.

"What!? O-Of course not! I wouldn't do that to you..." The boy said, acting innocent. He sighed, getting up.

"Well, let's get going. Hopefully we won't get interfered by any Hunters." He said. He began walking as the black box, Azrael, followed.

"Well, you've got me." He said in return.

"Yeah, I know." The boy replied. This boy's name is Tenn. He's 17, and from the human realm. That probably needs some explaining. The realm he's currently in isn't the one that humans are aware of. In fact, they shouldn't even be here. Through some chance, he has arrived in this realm. Since he teamed up with Azrael and grew, he quickly learned this. Now, he's trying to find a way back by himself.

Tenn opened a door to an apartment room. Azrael's black box moved over to a larger black figure in the corner of the room. It quickly merged, then turned to Tenn, who dropped the extra burger on the table.

"That's all you got?" Azrael asked.

"Hey, it's enough to fill me up." Tenn replied. Azrael opened the packaging around his burger to see a bite taken out of it.

"Seriously?" He asked. Tenn shrugged.

"What? I was a little extra hungry. We didn't kill as many monsters this week." He replied. Azrael grunted.

"How many times? Don't call us monsters. We're sensitive, you know?" He explained. Tenn sighed.

"Sure, whatever." He replied. The two sat in silence for a second.

"You should probably go and find some more Hunters. I feel they're tracking you." Azrael said. Tenn sighed.

"Yeah, I expected as much. But do we have to go now? The taste of the burger is still in my mouth and I don't want to let it go to waste." He replied.

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