one: bad guy.

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Another beer polished off, and I was beginning to feel the effects of it.

Pushing my hair from my face. I groaned out loud. Across from me, Aurelian chuckled his usual dark laugh.

It was me and all the bad guys stuck together at a table, with alcohol. A bad combination.

"Don't tell me you're already blitzed out after four, Rod." He mused, leaning his elbows onto the table.

"Please." I scoffed, lying.

I definitely was drunk. And I was definitely ready to drink another ten beers before the night was over.

"Curt." Aurelian acknowledged the curly blonde as he sat in front of us.

"It is hotter than a bitch in heat." He grumbled, I chuckled.

"You would know, eh?" I spat out, earning an elbow from Jim Neidhart from the other side of me.

"How many has he had?" Curt asked, looking between Jim and Aurelian.

"Only four." Jim grinned.

"And yet you're a bigger asshole every day, Piper." Curt smirked, sipping his beer. I only sneered at him and rolled my eyes.

"Whoa! Babe alert!" Paul Orndorff whistled from the end of the table, catching all of our attention.

I followed his gaze to the beautiful blonde walking past our table. Not even sparing any of us a glance.

I made it my personal mission to scan my eyes down her whole body. She was tight and toned. In all the right places. Her legs looked lethal.

And now I was thinking about how great they would look wrapped around my waist.

Closing my eyes and rubbing my eyes with my hands, I sat back against my chair.

Jim shook his head and grabbed his beer. "I'm a married man. I'm out."

"Well, I'm not." Aurelian smirked, signaling the bartender over.

"I seen her first. So I should get to buy her the first drink." Paul snapped, pushing his chair back.

"How about this.... you both buy her a drink." Bret Hart spoke up, looking amused as he looked between the two.

"No." Both men said at the same time, glaring at one another.

"I just want to know why.... you two think she would even be interested in either of you." I asked, putting my hands behind my head with a shit eating grin on my face.

"Please Rod. Every lady loves me." Paul responded with an eye roll while Aurelian just chuckled.

"You don't even know anything about her. She may not even speak English." I held up a hand, gesturing to the girl as she stood at the bar.

"She looks-"

"She's a gymnast." Curt interrupted us as he leaned back on his elbow against the table.

"And how do you know that? Did you just make that shit up?" Greg burped out as Bret glared at him since it was extremely close to his ear.

"No.... I recognize her from the USA trials. The wife was watching it before bed the other night. That's Stephanie Connors." Curt rambled off easily, we all stared at him as he looked back at us and raised a brow.

"I don't care what her name is. I care about getting her to-" Aurelian started as I laughed, hitting my hand on the table.

"She's not going to be an easy girl to crack. You can tell. Look at her." I shook my head, looking over to the stunning girl.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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