"I'm Here"

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"Where are you going?" Derek asked.

You had your back to Derek, about to leave the loft as he stopped you. It had been a bit over a week since you started staying with him, ever since strange threats had shown up at your doorstep multiple times, ever since someone or something had it out for you.

"I'm just gonna stop by my house, I need some clothes," you said.

"You can use my clothes," Derek crossed his arms.

"I need my own clothes, babe. I'll be back soon." you turned to face him.

"No. I'm going with you," he said, taking a step closer to you.

"I'll be okay. 15 minutes and I'll be back. You need to stay here, the pack needs you," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He placed his hands on your waist.

"The pack's asleep." Derek replied.

"Derek," you said, raising your eyebrow.

"Fine. But you have to call me when you get there and when you leave." he said. He could feel nerves in his chest as he sighed.

"Deal," you replied, pressing your lips against his.

"I'll see you in a bit." you said, walking away.

You entered your house and got your bag. You grabbed a few shirts, some jeans, some underwear, and bras.

You called Derek to let him know you're leaving.

"I'm leaving now. I'll see you in a few," you said.

You ended the call and made your way to the car.

You felt a breeze go down your spine as you felt the wind blow. Something began to make you feel uncomfortable. You stopped walking and slowly looked from the corner of your eye. You felt someone watching you.

You slowly pulled out your gun and quickly turned around, holding it up. There was no one there.

You exhaled and rolled your eyes. You began heading to your car again, before feeling a blunt force hitting the back of your head.

"It's been an hour, where is she?!", Derek yelled, pacing around the loft.

"Maybe she's stuck in traffic?" Scott suggested.

"I'm going to her house. She's not picking up either." Derek sighed. Before anyone could say anything, Derek made his way out of the loft.

You jumped up, opening your eyes, only to hit your head. You rubbed it, before realizing you were laying down.

"What the...'' you scrunched your eyes, trying to make out where you were. It was a dark and confined space. You could feel the air thinning as you reached into your pocket, turning on your flashlight.

"No..." tears flooded in your eyes, realizing you were trapped in a box, in a coffin.

Your breathing was shaky as you began to hit on the roof, trying to push it open. A cry escaped from your lips as you continued hitting on the roof.

"Let me out, please," you cried softly. You could feel a pressure on your chest, while it became more and more difficult to breathe. Whether it was being buried alive or some sort of panic attack, you could feel your chest aching.

You hit the roof as hard as you could, met with a bloodied hand, covered in your blood.

You cried softly, seeing a no service image pop up on your screen. You couldn't call Derek

"Damn it!" you cried.

You held back your sobs, continued to try and push open the door.

"Please let me out.." you cried breathlessly.

It became harder for you to keep your eyes open, while you let out a shaky breath, your vision blurring.

"Please..." you cried softly.

You heard a voice call out, but didn't hear what it was saying. It started getting closer.

"(Y/N)!" you heard Derek's muffled voice, hearing him yelling out for you.

"(Y/N)!", you heard him yell again. It sounded more clear. You used all the strength left in you to call out.

"Derek," you cried.

"I'm gonna get you out!" he yelled.

You felt the air grow again as Derek smashed open the coffin, pulling you out. You held onto him tightly, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, it's okay," he cooed, holding you tightly.

He pressed his lips onto your forehead, while you held onto him for your life, crying.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here."

Derek Hale One-Shots and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now