Chapter 31- The End

Start from the beginning

Storm allowed all this to sink in as he furrowed his brow in confusion. All that had happened in the past came back to bite them in the ass. 
"Wait, but that still doesn't explain why you're here," Storm said.
Wally looked at the young alpha before he spoke.
"I was sent here many times by the Goddess herself to bring back peace between the Von Stein clan and the Dark Moon Pack. Her will is not for you to tear eachother apart.  But she wants you to live as equals. And also I wanted to see my family again so my soul could find peace," Wally said and the others just allowed his words to sink in.

"So it was you who came to me in the hall?" Asked Yuan causing everyone to instantly turn to him.

The young vampire swallowed the huge lump that formed in his throat as he stared at the ground. He knew that he had made a huge mistake and that this entire thing was practically his fault. And for that he held himself responsible. Though all he really wanted was to live with the man who had once been his mothers mate along with his sister. But when he decided to go and give Lucy blood to drink, and that was when she told him about how his father used to hit and abuse his mother. He couldn't help but feel  sick to his stomach. He had betrayed his friends, his family, his sister all for a man that he thought loved him. But instead it turned out that the man had even ordered his mother to get rid of him after he was born and Chang Ming realized that he wasn't a wolf. But a vampire, of course his mother didn't do it and that was where the abuse started. His mother got bitten every day just because she refused to get rid of him. And that just made Yuan feel even worse about himself.

The young vampire's head shot up when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"It was me in the halls. I had taken the form of one of your schoolmates in order to talk to you without being figured out. I'm glad you chose the right part, Yuan Von Stein. The Goddess planned great things for you. And this family you have here wouldn't've been the same without you," Wally said before he walked back to the middle of the group.

"You said that you wanted to see your family again. Is it possible for you to come back to life?" Storm found himself asking. After he had looked down at his sleeping mate and thought how happy he would be if his brother came back.
Wally smiled over at Storm before he walked up to the duo.
"I'm glad my younger brother has a good mate like you. But unfortunately I have been dead too long to come back now," Wally explained and Storm nodded his understanding. Before he watched as the identical version of Wesley looked down at him. 
Wally then raised his hand in the air just as a bright ball of light appeared in his palm. He then lowered his hand allowing the ball to travel down to his brother and enter his chest. Before he retracted his hand.
"What was that?" Asked Storm.
"It was something given to me by the Goddess to insure the safety of Wesley and your kids. Because she also has plans for them," informed Wally before he moved to Abby and Darnel who still held on to the dead Darrel. 

Abby looked up at the man above her with tears in her eyes before she spoke.
"Can you please bring him back, I know that he's done evil and gone to the wrong side. But I just…," Abby said through tears before she went back to crying over her brother's body.

"Please Wally?" Asked Mary-kay as she stepped forward.
"Yes please?" Asked Markus as he too stepped forward.
"Please?" Asked Alpha Jack.
"Please son?" Asked Lucy.
"Please?" Asked Newell.
"Please?" Everyone began to ask as they all stepped forward.

They all knew that Darrel had gone to the wrong side. But they couldn't help but all hold themselves responsible for his betrayal. They all had been guilty of choosing Oni over him as Oni was just easier to approach. But they all neglected Darrel and though they didn't think that it would drive him to betrayal they still knew what they were doing was wrong.
So that is why they all stood up for him.
"Please Wally, bring him back, he saved Mary-kay even though he had betrayed us. He also didn't kill any of our men and only went after Oni. Bring him back please?"  Elaine begged.
A smile came to the young man's face as he stared at all those that begged  to bring back the man that had betrayed them.
"You betray and get betrayed yet you still have love for  each other. You say that you hate each other yet you jump in front of an arrow for each other. You guys really are a  weird pack and clan. Now I understand why the Goddess has chosen you all," Wally said before he turned back to Abby. He then raised his hand again and allowed a red light to leave his palm and fly into Darrel's chest.

Everything was silent as they all stared at the still stiff Darrel. Oni had transformed back to human and pulled on a pair of shorts handed to him by one of the hunters. Before he walked over to his brother's side and knelt down.
He then shared a look with his older sister before he looked back down at his twin.
"He still isn't….," Oni began but was then interrupted when Darrel took a huge breath in before he exhaled and soon he was breathing. 

"Darrel?" Abby called as she caressed her brother's face. She continued to pat his face before the wolf's eyes fluttered open.
 "Abby?" His hoarse voice came out as he squinted up at her.
"Yes Darrel it's me you're alive," the young woman said through happy tears before she pulled her brother's head closer to her chest.
"I'm...I'm sorry Abby," Darrel choked and his sister quickly shook her head.
"No I'm sorry I should've realized what you were going through," Abby said as she brushed her fingers down her brother's face.
"I'm also sorry son, I should've paid more attention to you," Darnel said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.
"We're all sorry for not treating you and Oni as equals," Alpha Jack said and everyone voiced their agrements.
"Thank you," Darrel said before he began to look around.

Abby realized that her brother was looking for something and quickly spoke.
"What are you looking for?" She asked but her brother didn't answer and instead just tried to turn his head to look behind him.
"I think I know," Aiden said as he pulled Seth out of the crowd and into Abby's view.
"Him?" Abby asked and Aiden nodded.
"Him," Aiden agreed before he pushed Seth  towards Darrel.
A smile immediately came to Darrel's lips when Seth came into his line of view.
He then began to make grabby hands for the man who didn't hesitate to pull the other guy into his arms.

Abby stared as her youngest brother was pulled from her arms in confusion. She had absolutely no idea what was happening. But then she placed two and two together and understood.
"Are they mate's?" Her father asked her and the girl instantly nodded.
"Yeah that's why he went all berserk on that guy who shot Darrel," Abby whispered back before she looked back over to her brother.

All attention then went back to Wally when he loudly cleared his throat.
"Since everything is settled here it's about me to leave," the young man informed.
"Can't you stay until your brother wakes up?" Asked Lucy, but the boy just shook his head.
"I'm afraid not, mother. My work here is done and I need to carry this man back to the Goddess," Wally exclaimed as he pointed to Clifford who still sat on the ground staring at everything.
"Ok," Lucy sighed before she and everyone stepped back to allow Wally to pass. The man quickly took a hold of Clifford by the collar.before a bright light came down from the sky like a spotlight on him.
"Goodbye everyone I love you all," Wally said before he was pulled up into the air. Before he vanished. Everyone was quiet as they all had no idea what to say.

"Now what?" Asked Markus causing everyone to shrug.
"I don't know," said Mary-kay with a shrug.
"How about, Tony, you and the rest of your guys gather up the remaining members of the enemy pack and take them to the cellar. And the rest of you gather up the dead of our pack and Clan they will all be buried the traditional way," Storm ordered and everyone just nodded before they rushed to do as told.
"What a way to boss everyone around Alpha," mocked Aiden. Earning an eye roll from Storm.
"Whatever," Storm said before he carried his mate inside.

When inside he laid Wesley down on the bed before he kissed him on the lips. That instantly made the vampire's eyes flutter open before he kissed his mate back.
"Storm?" Wesley asked after Storm had pulled away.
"Yes, tiger."
"Did we win?" Wesley asked
Storm smiled down at his mate before he caressed his cheek.
"Of course we did," Storm informed before he kissed his mate again.

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