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The next day I stayed at my apartment. I didn't answer any calls or messages, I needed to contain the emotional thunder in my mind. After spending a couple of hours in bed just looking through the wall full of windows, I decided to finally do something more productive than rotting under the sheets. I took a cold but relaxing shower. It was a perfect occasion to focus on myself for a second and use all of those bath and skincare products that I've never had time or will to open. Water cleaned my soul as I was standing right below the shower with closed eyes. From the lost and found treasure I went first with the rose shampoo. The smell was addictive but also delicate. Maybe that's what was so addictive about it - the fact that you could never fully smell it, it was out of reach and somehow so close at the same time. My moment of relaxation was shattered by the doorbell. After releasing a huge sigh, I wrapped a black, soft towel around my body and hair, and rapidly opened the main door with a dose of irritation.
- Hi, can we talk? - My mind went blank as I didn't expect to see Cate in the hallway.
- Uhm, yeah, sure. Come in. - I should have said no, I should be strict, I should get rid of her from my life for good, but instead, as always, I just let her in as if she never harmed me.
- I came to see if you're okay. You didn't respond to my texts and calls. - Butterflies in my stomach woke up and started flying around because of those two sentences. However, I didn't want to show Cate how weak I am.
- I didn't want... -
- I think I love you. - the beautiful blonde interrupted my attempt to be rude. And somehow I was grateful. Something happened to me yesterday, we stepped on the line and I was ready for more. As wrong as it was, I wasn't afraid anymore, I wanted to try... her.
- Then why did you tell me to go home, to Gillian? - I crossed my arms, so she couldn't see how shaky my hands are.
- It was the right thing to do, but for the first time in my life I don't think I know what's wrong and right. - Suddenly, I felt week as if I was falling from the sky and already gave up my life to the inevitable crash with the ground.
- What do you want me to say to that? - My whisper might have been to quiet to be heard, but I knew Cate was looking at my lips instead of my eyes, so she could read the spoken words.
- Nothing, just continue what you started yesterday. - Cate started unbuttoning her shirt and my breath suddenly quickened. I stood there for a minute like a rock, I couldn't move, but I couldn't stop watching her either. That's when she kneeled right below my legs and looked straight into my eyes.
- I will do anything to have you tonight. - Cate said and started kissing my thighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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