I grabbed Odin's cup. I wouldn't have been surprised if he tried throwing it at Thor.

"Thank you dear" He said.

"So it's back to Midgard for you ?" Odin asked Thor.

"Nope" Thor said, throwing Mjolnir then catching it.

"I've been having this reoccurring dream lately. Every night, I see Asgard fall into ruins"

"That's just a silly dream. Signs of an overactive imagination" Odin answered.

"Possibly. But then I decide to go investigate and what do I find ? The nine realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise. All while you, Odin, the protector of those realms are sitting here in your bathrobe, eating grapes" Thor said angrily.

"Yes, it is best to respect our neighbours' freedom"

"Yes, of course. The freedom to be massacred" Thor said while scaring the nearby asgardians by throwing Mjolnir.

"Yes, besides I've been rather busy myself"

"Watching theater"

"Well board meetings, and security council meetings"

"Y/N sacrificed herself for you and this is what you do ?" Whispered Thor in Odin's ear, barely loud enough for me to hear.

He didn't know I was alive.

Odin stuttered. He couldn't find words.

"You're really gonna make me do it ?" Asked Thor.

"Do what ?" Asked Odin playing oblivious.

Thor threw Mjolnir far away and put his hand on the back of Odin's head.

"You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand. Not even your face" Thor threatened.

"You've gone quite mad. You'll be executed for this" Odin said nervously.

I knew what I had to do. I stepped in front of Mjolnir.

"What are you doing ?!" Asked Odin.

"Well it is my job to protect you, my king" I smiled.

Thor deserved to know the truth, and the only way Loki would reveal himself was if I was in danger. Before Mjolnir crushed my face, Loki transformed the both of us back and pushed me out of the way.

The asgardians were all shocked. Gasps could be heard. We both turned around to face Thor, and Loki gave Thor his usual smile.

Soon, Heimdall's replacement arrived covered in brains.

"Behold, Thor Odins-" Before he could finish, Loki stopped him.

"You had one job. Just the one"

"Where is Odin ?" Asked Thor.

"You just couldn't stay away, could you ? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering. You've ruined everything" Loki said avoiding the question.

"Where is father ? Did you kill him ?" Thor screamed pushing Mjolnir on Loki making him unable to get up.

"You had what you wanted. You had the independence you asked for"

Thor started to let go of Mjolnir putting more of it's weight on Loki.

"Okay. I know exactly where he is" Loki admitted.


We were walking on the rainbow bridge. We had to go get Odin on Midgard.

"Why did you leave ?" Thor asked me, completely ignoring Loki.

"If we came back, things wouldn't have been the same. There would've been consequences. Loki would've been executed. I would've been sent to the dungeon or I would have suffered the same faith" I said.

"Well I'm glad your back" Thor said smiling putting his arm around my shoulder. Not noticing Loki staring at him.

Published : 28-07-21
Number of Words : 1046
Edited : 16-04-22

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