Once my eyes meet yours,

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"Dear Ganyu,
It's the traveler, Aether! I hope you're doing well. I was thinking of visiting you personally but I got a commission from Keqing so I let her pass it on to you!
I just wanted to say that you are extremely hard working and you need to take a break. You're being overworked and it's worrying me. I hope you will take some time off work and maybe you can help Xiao relax a little. He should be around Wangshu Inn in the morning so try to find him there.

P.S. If you can, please drag him back to Liyue Harbour to relax somewhere. He needs to chill out"

She let out a little laugh and looked at the clock

"Hmm it's a little past lunch hours... I guess I have a little time"

She stood up and stretched out her arms. Taking a small bag from behind her door and putting her essentials inside. Then slinging it over her head and letting it rest on her waist.

"Okay... bag, keys, wallet and myself... Oh! I should brush my hair a little"

She grabbed her brush and combing the knots out of it.

"Alright Xiao, I guess it's time for me to visit you! I'll have to meet Aether again... I did say I'd join him on one of his adventures..."

She shook her hand a forced a smile out

"Ah whatever, I'll think about that later"

Ganyu walked out of her office, switching off the lights and locking her door. She hung up the sign she had that said "Currently away, Leave any work in the file". She barely used it but mentally thanked Beidou for giving it to her.

She passed by a few members of the Liyue Qixing but the one who stopped her was Ningguang

"Oh Ganyu! What a surprise to see you out of your office, any special occasion?"

The blue haired adeptus turned to face her superior and bowed

"Lady Ningguang, I just received a letter from the traveler to take a break so I've decided to visit an old friend of mine."

The Tianquan smiled softly and gently prodded her out

"Have a nice time then, don't worry yourself with work. I'll take care of most of it"

"Thank you!"

Though Ganyu didn't really like the thought of someone else taking her work but she decided to just leave it and focus on getting to Wangshu Inn.

She chose to walk there which took up a whole hour of her just looking at the nature that surrounded Liyue. By the time she got to the foot of the large tree, it had already turned dark.

"Miss Ganyu?"

The voice called her name and she turned around to see Huai'an, the Innkeeper

"It's been a while Huai'an!"

The blue haired adeptus smiled and walked over to him

"What is the secretary of the Liyue Qixing doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Nonono not at all!! I just came to see if Xiao is here"

The second she mentioned his name, Huai'an's face changed to one of worry. Ganyu noticed and immediately changed her tone

"Huai'an, did something happen?"

He led Ganyu into the elevator and took her up to the rooms

"He came back to the Inn severely injured and worn out. He's been resting in his room ever since"

The elevator door opened and they both walked to Xiao's room

"Verr Goldet is currently in there because we heard a lot of noises from his room. So I've been meaning to check up on her..."

Ganyu placed her hand on the door knob and twisted it open

"Xiao calm down please!!"

Verr Goldet stood at one edge of the room and Xiao stood next to an open window. Ganyu nudged Huai'an and he grabbed his wife before leaving the two adepti together..

The strong wind that rushed in through the window blew into her hair and she carefully looked into Xiao's eyes. They exchanged glances and her purple eyes met with his golden-yellow ones.

"Xiao... are you alright...?"

She carefully took a few steps towards him and noticed that the grip on his spear loosened.


His voice trembled as he fell to his knees. Ganyu rushed to catch him before he hit the floor


She rested his body against her chest and brushed the hair off his face to see that he had passed out. She struggled to carry him up onto the bed but she somehow managed to get him up.

She picked up his spear that fell on the floor and propped it up against the wall. The blue haired girl gently swept his hair off his face but was startled when his eyes flickered open.

She retracted her hands and the close contact made both of them blush. They both turned away from each other and Ganyu quickly apologised


They sat in silence as Ganyu stared at the door while Xiao sat up and stared out the window. Xiao wasn't one to usually say anything but he felt like he should

"So... why'd you come here?"

"Ah... Aether sent me a letter to tell me to take more breaks and come visit you so here I am"

She ended with an awkward laugh as she turned to look at him. He was still looking out the window but he lay down and closed his eyes

"Are you feeling alright? You seem to be in a lot of pain..."

Xiao chuckled and brought his hand up to cover his eyes

"I'm always in pain and I'm always suffering. What's different?"

Ganyu sighed and leaned back onto the soft pillows. She glanced at the scars and wounds covering his arms and saw his shirt that was stained with blotched of blood. She took her hand and lightly traced his arm which made him flinch

"Let me treat your wounds... please?"

Xiao's face went red as he slightly nodded. Ganyu got up and went to grab the first aid kit. He buried his face in his hands and felt his cheeks warming up

"What are you doing to me Ganyu..."


So uhh... I did this in one go and I feel like my chapters are getting worse and worse :p

Also my older brother is being an absolute btch it's amazing :3
(That's sarcasm I actually hate him)

Anyways, have a nice day <3

Date Written~ 7th July 2021
Word Count~ 1078
Written by~ Saku._.kkura

Heart full of Flowers~ A Xiaoyu AUWhere stories live. Discover now