Chapter 30- The Battle

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Markus released a loud sigh.
"This sucks," he exclaimed with a loud groan as he leaned his head against the hard cold walls.

The room that he and everyone else who wasn't fighting was in. Was a very spacious sound proof to the outside room with a large steel door that was meant to protect them from intruders directly in front of Markus. The room was dark as the only source of light came from the small window above them, that wasn't even large enough to fit a hand through. There was no furniture except for a very unusual picture on the left wall of the room.There also were no seats or beds so everyone just sat on the floor jumbled up in a large group. 

Women tried to comfort each other as they prayed for the safety of their mates and family members. While others just allowed their sobbs to be heard. Mothers cradled their children close to their chest as some sang sweet calming lullabies.

But even though all this was happening around them there was only one thing on Ambrosia, Marie, Markus and Mary-kay's mind. They all couldn't help but notice how loud the sound of war was outside of the room. Oh how they wanted to be out there fighting alongside their people. But instead they were stock in a in a room.

"Mark?" Came barely a whisper of Mary-kay's voice.

Markus quickly looked over at his friend who was currently resting her head on Ambrosia's shoulder. Markus' eyes widened, he had never seen Mary like this before. She was always such a sassy bitch that always seemed to pook his irritation button, but now. She was a sobbing runny nose mess. 

"Do you think that they'll be ok?" 

The young vampire was snapping out of his thoughts when he heard those words leave his friends lips. His face quickly broke into a sweet smile before he took her hand in his, offering her comfort.

"Of course they will be," he replied and Mary-kay nodded while Marie and Ambrosia agreed with him.

"How do you know?" Asked a young woman as she held her sleeping toddler in her lap.

"I just know,"  Markus replied with a smile and the girl smiled back at him.

But all of a sudden there was a loud bang on the steel door. Causing the room to go dead silent. 
Mary-kay quickly lifted her head from Ambrosia's shoulder before she and said woman shared a look.
"Shh," ordered Marie as she placed a finger over her lips. She and the others quickly stood up just as  there was another loud bang on the door. It sounded like someone was trying to break the door down. And that just caused the men, women and children in the room to begin to panic. But Mary-kay quickly silenced them.
"Stay calm everyone, the door is impenetrable," Ambrosia said, allowing the others to relax a bit.

Then it went silent for a while again, making everyone believe that it had stopped.
But then a louder bang, like a bomb went off. And the women sprang into action.

"Alright everyone try not to freak out, but I believe that was a boom they just used. So that means this door is going to be blown down," exclaimed Markus sarcastically.
Causing women to begin to scream and children to begin to cry.

"Markus," Mary-kay squealed as she elbowed him in the side.
"Look what you did,"  Mary-kay said as she pointed to the people around them.
"Oh, my bad."
"Ugh, you're so, so…," Mary said as she tried to find the right words. But then.

"Silence!" Shouted Marie and the room immediately went dead silent.
"Is there any way to escape this room without going through the door?" She calmly asked.
"I know," a little girl with short brown curls excitedly said.
Marie smiled down at the girl before she gestured with her hand for the girl to come forward.
"When my dad was helping build here and he brought me along with him. I saw that there was a small passageway that leads to the basement behind that weird painting,"  the girl said.
Markus scoffed loudly before he walked over to the painting and yanked it off the wall. And true to the girl's word behind the painting was a large enough passageway.
"Huh, it all makes sense now," Markus mused and the others all agreed.
"Alright no more dilly-dallying. They're trying to get in so all those who can't fight like the women with children and the kids. Will go to the basement and the others who want to remain will stay back to cause a distraction," Ambrosia said.

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