"My father doesn't know everything" Thor said not noticing Frigga and I looking at the scene.

"Don't let him hear you say that" Frigga said with a small laugh.

We walked closer to the pair.

"Jane Foster meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard and my mother" Thor said, introducing Frigga.

Jane look shocked. She even let go of Thor's arm which she had been holding for awhile.

"Hi" She said nervously.

An alarm could be heard in the distance.

"The prisons" Frigga said.

"Loki" I said nervously, worried for his safety.

"Go. We will look after Jane" Frigga said to Thor.

Thor ran towards a balcony and jumped. Mjolnir appeared in his hand, making him fly. Jane, Frigga and I walked away. Soon we found Odin commanding some guards.

"Frigga" He said suddenly as he stopped giving orders.

"It's a skirmish. Nothing to fear" He said, trying to reassure us.

"You've never been a good liar" Frigga answered.

"Take them to your chambers" Odin told Frigga.

Lady Sif walked in the hallway next to the one we were in. She looked at my chains and gave me an apologetic look. She then looked at Jane and gave her a frustrated look.

As Odin and Frigga finished their conversation we walked towards her chambers.

"Listen to me, both of you. Do everything I ask, no questions" Frigga whispered.

I nodded and so did Jane with a little hesitation.

When we arrived in Frigga's room, we quickly closed the door.

"I will cast an illusion over the both of you. Do not try to interfere" Frigga said.

We hid behind a pillar. An illusion of both me and Jane appeared. Soon Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, opened the door. The illusion of Jane hid behind Frigga. Frigga had a sword in hand.

"Stand down, creature and you may survive this" Frigga said.

"I have survived worse" Malekith answered, not threatened.

Frigga sliced Malekith's face with her blade, but it didn't do much damage. They fought until another elf walked in the room. He was much taller and bigger than Malekith. He had horns and it his skin glowed like fire was running trough his veins.

He grabbed Frigga by the neck, slowly choking her. I gasped and quickly put my hand over my mouth to not make another sound.

Malekith began talking to the illusion of Jane. When he tried to grab her, both our illusions dissolved. Since we were hidden Malekith couldn't find us. He turned to Frigga.

"Witch !" He yelled.

Frigga smiled.

"Where is the Aether ?" Malekith asked.

"I'll never tell you" Frigga answered.

"I believe you"

The Dark Elf choking Frigga stabbed her.

Thor suddenly appeared and sent a lightning blast on Malekith's face. Both the elves ran away. I ran towards Frigga's corpse and fell to my knees. I began crying.

Odin walked in the room and looked at his, now, dead wife. I got up, tears still streaming down my face.

Jane was still behind the pillar. She didn't say anything.


I was in my room. I tried getting prepared for Frigga's funeral. When I finished, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it Jane stood in front of me.

"Lady Jane" I said quietly.

"Y/N, I am sorry for the way I treated you" I signalled her to come inside.

She sat on a chair and sighed. I sat in front of her.

"It's not your fault. I did try to take over your planet" I said forcing myself to laugh.

"I'm sorry about Frigga. If I wasn't here she wouldn't have died" She said looking down.

There was a small silence.

"You know, I was queen once" I said.

She looked at me.

"It wasn't for long, but still. When Thor was banned and sent to your planet, the king fell asleep. We thought he would never wake up. So the throne fell in Loki's hands. Since I am his wife, I became the Queen. I now understand what Frigga did, and I would've done the same. It was to protect her kingdom and you. Ever since she became Queen, she was prepared to die, for Asgard"

I put my hand on Jane's.

"It wasn't your fault" I smiled at her.

Thor walked inside since the door was opened.

"Lady Y/N, we must get going to the funeral" He saw Jane sitting in front of me.

"Jane what are you doing here ?" He asked.

"We were just talking" I answered for her.

"Now we must get going" I said as I extended my hand to help her get up.

Thor put my chains on my wrists and we left.

Published : 05-07-21
Number of Words : 1370
Edited : 05-03-22

𝐺𝑜𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑠 (Loki x Y/N)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang