Chapter 14

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In the kitchen Mark starts to cook dinner, he feels a presence in the room turning to Dark he smiles "Hello again" he turns back to cooking. "You know.. you being aggressive towards Sean could foil your plan.. not that I want to help you go through with this it's just an observation.." Mark rolls his eyes "I could careless to be honest.." Dark stands up walking beside him "Mark.. he's starting to put the pieces together.. seeing hallucinations of you more and more often after meeting Damien.. he's smart and he'll figure it out.." he crosses his arms leaning against the counter. He turns towards him "Dark- if he were smart he would have already figured it out especially since out of know where a secret admirer just so happened to show up after my release date.." he smirks continuing to cook "So yes he's smart... about as smart as a lab rat" he laughs. Dark sighs "Mark can I ask- why did you give him that ring?.." He glances over "Well.. I just wanted to give him a gift.." Dark smiles "Mark.. do you consider it an engagement ring?.." he smirks seeing him blush a bit "No.. I don't.. It's just a gift.." his expression goes blank as he plates the food. 

Hearing Sean down the hallway he walks seeing him sobbing into his knees, Dark watches from afar knowing Sean has seen him before "Hey.. Hey calm down whats wrong?" -Sean looks at him jumping a bit "I- You two... look so similar.." he puts a hand on his cheek "It's frightening.." he shake a bit as more tears stream down his face. Staring blankly he sighs pulling him into a hug "Why don't you come into the other room with me you don't seem alright being on your own.. dinner is ready" he stands up helping Sean stand walking into the dinning room Sean sits down a bit shaky, Walking in with the plates of food he sits on the other end like before eating. Staring he sees Dark standing behind Sean, more thoughts run through his head "I remember everything.. before we dated before I killed Felix.. before I got obsessed.. I remember it all.. the good and the bad.. " he looks Dark in the eyes hearing him say "I know it's hard for you to admit but.. you care about him.. think please PLEASE think about this.." he disappears as Sean looks up at Mark. Seeing him smile a sad smile with tears he sighs getting up and waking over suddenly he gets hugged around the waist tightly as he sobs into his stomach. Petting his head he sighs letting him cry "Sean.. you're a mess.. he really did make a toll on your life didn't he.." he sees Sean pull away "O-Of course he did.. he threatened to kill be multiple times.. but.. what I don't understand is.." he looks down "Why do I still love him?.. he did so many horrible thing's to ruin my life.. he killed my lover he hurt me.. I don't understand.." he hangs his head in his hands. With wide eyes Mark steps back exiting the room stepping outside feeling tears in his eyes "Is he fucking psychotic?! still in love with the person who threatened to kill him!?" he hears a voice "No Mark.. you the psychotic one.." he walks up to him taking him by his shoulders "Dark... do you think he knows?.." he looks him in the eyes awaiting a response. "Honestly.. I don't know.. he seems at times that he does but then again.. he doesnt seem like he suspects a thing.. " Sitting on the steps Mark rubs his temples "I..I have to go through with it.. it's official.." he looks at Dark who nods "I know you're going to.. and I can't stop you.. and I want to tell you this now because once you slit your throat I will be gone.." Mark stands up as Dark walks closer "You were a good person.. You had a big heart.. but that was one of your flaws.. you cared too much... it lead you to kill and it lead you to hurt the one you care about.. Even through all of the shit you've done.. I am glad to have met you and I am glad I was able to be here for you.." he smiles, he smiles back "Thank you Dark.." watching him disappear he walks inside being greeted by Sean "A-Are you alright?" he nods pulling him into a tight hug.


Sean is in the bathroom taking a warm shower letting the warm water run onto his head as he stares down at his feet. Seeing hands around his waist he closes his eyes with a sigh "Why do these hallucinations feel so real?.." Damien pulls him close "Hallucination?" Sean looks back with a smile "Oh thank god it's just you" he turns around wrapping his arms loosely around his neck. Getting on his toes a bit he starts to kiss his neck feeling him hold his body against his own "I thought you didn't want to have sex every time we were around one another" Sean blushes "Well.. I..I don't know it just feel like we should.. not because were in the shower together it just.. feel right.. something in my gut is telling me that.." He smiles letting him continue "Alright then.." he holds him thinking 'He know its coming.. some how he knows..' he holds him tighter closing his eyes.

Not too long goes by and Sean blushes red being pushes against the shower wall "a-ah~" he moans, a bit in embarrassed. Arching forward he breathes heavy closing his eyes feeling every single thrust "A-Ah!" he moans louder. He smirks "You alright?~" Sean nods looking back "C.. Can I face you?~" he smiles pulling out letting Sean turn around. He picks him up around his waist seeing Sean widen his eyes a bit startled "Do you want to continue this in the bed?~" Sean nods blushing as he carries him into the bedroom lying him down on the bed. Pushing in he hears Sean gasps, he smiles kissing his neck "A-Ah!" he grips his shoulders. "Oh god Mark ah!" he widens his eyes pulling away a bit looking at Sean with wide eyes, Sean realizes what he said and widens his eyes "I-I'm so sorry" he gets out from under him with teary eyes he leaves the room.

In the bathroom across the hall Sean sits on the toilet sobbing into his hands "God I-I'm so stupid.. shouting his name when he isn't even here.. " he looks at his feet suddenly seeing another pair. "Not here? I'll always be here for you Sean" he gulps seeing the figure kneel making him look him in the eyes with a warm smile. He sobs hugging the figure tightly "I-It feel's like you're still here.. I didn't want to send you there.. but I had to because you were ill.. and now that you're out you probably want to kill me.." he sobs into his shoulder hugging the nonexistent figure feeling his arms wrap around his waist tightly. Suddenly he feels the figure kissing his neck like it did on a previous night, he breathes a bit heavy feeling something touch his dick "a-ah~" he leans back on the toilet. Walking up to the door Damien opens the door seeing Sean jacking himself off breathing heavy hearing what he's saying he widens his eyes "a-ah Mark ah!" he stands there for a moment "S-Sean?.." he sits up blushing bright red staring at Damien. He stands up "I.. I'm sorry.." he rubs his arm, Damien sighs walking over "It's alright Sean.. let's just head to bed.." they walk back into the room shutting the door.

Getting settled down for the night Sean avoids eye contact with Damien still a bit embarrassed and disappointed in himself. Taking his hand seeing him flinch Damien smiles "Sean do you want to cuddle?" he glances over and nods scooting closer feeling Damien put an arm over his shoulders, making him  look at him he sighs "Sean.. it's alright.. I'm not hurt by what you said and you shouldn't feel bad about what you did in the other bathroom.." Sean smiles kissing him gently "Thank you Damien" he snuggles under his chin looking at the ring. Petting his head gently "Oh Sean I forgot to tell you something, I rented a house to stay at instead of that hotel I was wondering if you'd like to come over tomorrow to see it" Sean looks up at him his head resting on his lap "Of course I'd love to" he smiles seeing Damien smile back "I Love You Sean" he smiles more "I Love You Too Damien~" he takes his hand kissing the top of his making Damien blush a bit. 

In the middle of the night Sean wakes up from a nightmare, looking around he sees the room empty smiling he feels Damien's arm around him. Turning to face him Sean snuggles closer kissing his nose seeing him smile, he whispers under his breath 'I am so lucky that I met you' he falls back asleep with a smile on his face feeling Damien pull him closer.

To Be Continued...

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