Chapter Twenty Seven

Depuis le début

Dewheart nodded, raising his head valiantly. "I will." He glanced back, and added, "I heard from Rainingpaw a few minutes ago that Mistypaw's getting her name today."

"Rainingpaw must be jealous," commented Reedsky.

The white tom blinked. "Yeah, she is. But she's happy for Mistypaw, too. Mistypaw says she heard in her dream she'll be named Mistytail, but I don't know. Mistytail's a good name, yeah, but I think it's kind of plain. I wouldn't want a name like that on me or Rainingpaw. Dewtail, Rainingtail.... I know Mistypaw and Rainingpaw's father is Dusktail, so Mistypaw might wish a Mistytail name on her..."

Rainingpaw limped towards them, looking green. "Mistytail's elegant. My style. I like Mistytail."

"Are you okay?" asked Reedsky, furrowing his brow. "You look terrible."

"Minnowdawn says I does," Rainingpaw admitted. "Dusktail pointed it out today as well. But I'm okay. Starlingsnow's going to take me out today."

"You look worse than before," meowed a voice behind Reedsky bluntly.

"Sundawn," groaned Rainingpaw, rolling her eyes. "I'm honestly fine. I just feel..." She shrugged. "I'm fine anyways."

"And... Minnowdawn, Dusktail, and Starlingsnow all agreed? Silverstar?" Sundawn asked incredulously, her amber eyes wide.

Rainingpaw held her head high. "I insisted," she meowed.

The long-furred golden she-cat sighed. "If you say so," she mewed simply. "But don't blame me if you get sick. What're you training today, then? You must be a little rusty."

The pale gray apprentice reddened. "That's true," she admitted grudgingly. "So Starlingsnow told me she'll try me. Sort of... like an assessment. If I'm good, she'll arrange with Silverstar for me to become a warrior with Mistypaw. If I'm not..." Her voice trailed off, ending with a slight tremble of fear. "If I'm not, I have to train more."

"From the start?" Sundawn asked.

"No! They were generous enough. I'll just pick up a few tactics I'm not good at and try again," Rainingpaw replied, disgust written all over her pale gray face.

Sundawn nodded. "Good luck. I'm going hunting now."

"Really? Let me go with you," mewed Dewheart. "I'm starving."

The golden she-cat started. "Oh. Oh! No, no. It's fine," she fumbled.

Dewheart blinked at her suspiciously. "Why? Where're you going?"

"Um... Well, I'm going by the ShadowClan border," started Sundawn nervously. "And if there're two, those... nasty ShadowClan cats might... might think it's an ambush!"

"That's not likely," laughed Reedsky.

Sundawn frowned. "It's a possibility," she retorted.

Reedsky shrugged. "Sure it is. Good hunting!"

Sundawn smiled faintly. "Thanks."

The silver warrior watched Rainingpaw pad off, and Sundawn scramble out of camp. Soon, Dewheart went off as well, saying he was going to look for Stormflight.

Reedsky turned away. What could he do today? He hadn't swum for a long time. The last experience he remembered was in the lake, when Rainingpaw's illness had started. Maybe he should go to the stream and take a dip.

Yes, that's what I'll do.

The silver tom started towards the camp entrance when a tawny shape blocked his path.

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