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 Kevin and Sunwoo were the first ones to arrive at the restaurant. They were followed suit by the couple, and Haknyeon. Changmin and Eric arrived just 5 minutes later, having met each other on the road. Once the group was complete, they went inside, and sat at a round table, near a gigantic window. A cute waiter approached their table.

"Good evening! I am Chanhee, and I will be your waiter for tonight!" He offered them all a bright smile, and his eyes lingered on Hyunjae for a bit longer than the rest. "Just call me if you need anything!"

He handed them the menus, and then left after another smile. Sunwoo had his eyes fixed on Hyunjae, and so did Kevin. Now that he saw Hyunjae up close, and the waiter, he was certain it was them he had seen kiss a few days before. But what he was also certain of, is how Hyunjae was holding Juyeon's hand under the table, where no one could see. He tried his best to not act like he knew something was up, and just enjoyed his meal with the others, occasionally cracking a few jokes, and of course, getting to know Eric, the new addition to their team.

As they left the restaurant, Kevin kept being careful of Hyunjae's moves. He found it odd when he made sure that Juyeon's and his hands weren't touching, and especially not holding. But as being one of the few members with a braincell, he quickly figured it out. Hyunjae was cheating on Juyeon with Chanhee, and Chanhee didn't know that Hyunjae wasn't single. He felt some kind of rage boil inside. Jacob, his not-boyfriend-but-very-close, went out with a guy that did the same thing to him before. Being a really loyal person, cheating is something Kevin just couldn't accept.

As the small group made their way outside and into the street, Kevin held back Sunwoo by his wrist, so they could walk a bit behind, and could tell him everything he had observed. As predicted, Sunwoo wasn't really happy with all that.

"What do you mean he's cheating with the waiter." He hissed.

"Yeah, the way they looked at each other. And he always made sure to not be too close to Juyeon when Chanhee was in the room."

"So he doesn't know his boyfriend, or I don't know what they are, already has a boyfriend" Sunwoo asked, and Kevin nodded his head. "He's dead, I swear to god."

Despite being younger, Sunwoo had always felt kind of protective over Juyeon, for whatever reason. He perfectly knew how in love Juyeon was of Hyunjae, and he knew that Hyunjae was aware too. But he couldn't just confront Hyunjae, the boy would deny it, and probably just stop seeing Chanhee for a while. But still, Sunwoo felt weird. Hyunjae had never struck him as a bad guy so why was he acting like one now. Okay, he had had a gut feeling about him, but he never proved Sunwoo right. Why was he trying to hurt Juyeon now? Maybe he wasn't. 

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