Chapter 21: Wake Up

Start from the beginning

"You two are also going?" I asked Kisa nodded

"Can't you tell?" Hiro said sassily

"Hiro that is not nice" Kisa scolded him

"Yeah she's right!! You should be like Kisa sweet, nice and adorable" I said while hugging her

"Whatever" he said and grumpily stomp of to the transportation we would use to go to the beach house

"Let's go Kisa this would be fun" I said holding out my hand she gladly accepted

We were at the beach I was wearing a white two piece with a blue long sleeves covering me

We were at the beach I was wearing a white two piece with a blue long sleeves covering me

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"Are you going into the water?" Haru asked

"I'm still contemplating of going" I said to him I was wearing a white two piece with a blue long sleeve

"What are you doing?" Kyo asked

"I'm making a crumbling fortress" I said

"You mean a sand castle" Yuki said

"Yes, a crumbling fortress" I said

Weird Hiro thought

"I'm sure Gure-san would be here he would love to see Tohru and Kure in those tight swimsuits" he stated

"Don't say it like that" Kyo and Yuki yelled

"You know I'm just here"

"You guys are weird I'm going into the water" I stated

"Your facing fears I'm glad" Haru said I nodded I took of my jacket and threw it on Kyo's face he started yelling but I ignored it

"Ms. Honda" I said

"You decided to join I'm glad how do you feel" Ms. Honda said

"Weird" I said


"Well I used to be scared in ocean I'm trying to facing my fears" I said to her

"Your doing great Kure-Chan" she said

"I'm internally screaming" I said to her she sweat dropped at my statement

The boys joined us and they raced I didn't join because I don't know how to swim Yuki won and Kyo went home upset that he lost

"Are Kisa and Hiro fighting they haven't said a word to each other" I said

"we shouldn't get involved into a lovers quarrel" Haru said

"it's best to let them be" I said

"his right I'm going to bed bye bye" I said going upstairs

It was morning the others were finding beetles I saw Kyo running around I was reading a Manga it was about a brother and sister their family got eaten by a demon and his sister turned into a demon it was interesting Ms. Uotani recommended this to me

It was dark

Yuki got sick Tohru was taking care of him I'm glad he is in good hands so I trusted Ms. Honda

"Please take care of him" I said

"He is better in your hands he looks happy with you" I said

"I won't let you down Kure-Chan" she said with determination in her eyes

I went upstairs

My head also hurt but I didn't told them I didn't want to be a burden so I went into my room

I fell asleep

"USELESS BRATS!!" Someone yelled


there was a little girl covering her ears crying

"I'm sorry"

I immediately jolt up in my sleep gasping for air

Why am I having this nightmares all of the sudden I clenched my head and  I think there is a headache forming I feel bad my senses are tingling

I think something bad would happen

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Bye Bye❤️❤️

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