Start from the beginning

is she even aware of the effect she has?

it's not fair that she has this effect on him; it's not fair

"you're such a baby" she kisses the top of his head, as shoto drifts off

[. . .]

"love?" shoto's eyes flutter open; he was still in his beloved's room, not sure what time it was, or where his girlfriend was.

he yawns, sitting up and staring around the dark room blankly for a moment; as he did this. . .he heard laughter.

he cluelessly leaves the dorm and heads into the common room, where class a and b were setting up what looked like a party.

shoto scans the room for his love, but when he finds her. . .he wasn't exactly happy about it.

there she was. . .

with tetsutetsu

laughing, and leaning against him.

"excuse me?" shoto puts some space between them.

"what's. . .going on?"

tetsutetsu must've felt shoto's anger and moved away. . .good riddance

his beauty sighs, before turning to him, "someone's cranky" she goes back to setting up, shoto assumes.

"if that was supposed to be funny, it's not. what is he doing here?"

she pauses, a little shocked. "shoto don't tell me you're getting jealous—this is the worst time for that" she says, somewhere between a whisper and a scream.

"of course not. . .i just wanted to know"

she shakes her head, not convinced, "alright whatever—anyways!" her expression goes back to that beautiful smile shoto loved so much, distracting him for a moment,

"we're just having a little class to class get-together, nothing to be upset about"

shoto crosses his arms, feeling as if there was not a complete truth behind her statement. his love then looks off for a moment; why doesn't she look at only him?

"mina's looking so i'ma back away now; it'll be fun, okay?"

shoto sighs, no longer feeling her warmth beside him, "if you say so. . ."

[. . .]

"gather around everyone!" ashido suddenly calls out, and everyone comes to sit in a circle; shoto sits down, wanting to participate like his girlfriend encouraged him to.

speaking of his girlfriend, he motioned for her to sit next to him but she shakes her head, mouthing 'sorry sho'

shoto blinks, and she turns to ashido, "if you're about to play truth or dare you can count me out"

❝𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆❞ | t. shoto x reader | ambwWhere stories live. Discover now