Innocent Explosion by Shauna Davila

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September 16, 1941 (12:00 hours)

Today is my 20th birthday my captain is taking our unit to the frontlines on the way. I can hear them talking about how they couldn't wait to kill some germen pig (Krauts). At 12:30 hours are unit is attacked I can hear ringing in my ears, my eyes are burning after the germen tiger tank shot one of are right next to mine. I closed my eyes I can smell the flesh burning, the men screaming and crying for help, the men's burning flesh turning black as night. I can smell the scent of flesh, gas, blood makes me want to gag and cry. But I know I can't I am a soldier. I hear my captain yell out RPG and right after I feel it make impact with the ground right next to my tank a second time. I'm blasted off the top of my tank into the air and realize this is my first REAL battle.

All I feel/hear is my ears ringing, people screaming, captain shouting out orders to us. I can hear thunder and see lightning. I lift my head up to the sky and feel the rain on my face yet as the ringing in my ears and the haze on my shocked mind clear up and causing me to open my eyes and weep for that was no rain but the blood of my brother, my comrades. The thunder and lightning no wait.

The sound of the RPG and grenades, the light from the blast of the gun on the enemy's tank. The sound of an innocent bullet leaving the barrel of the guilty gun, the feel of it ripping through my cloth covered chest and feel the dirt hit my knees yet feel numb from the pain then fall and feel the dirt hit my face with a winze worth impact.

I can feel my blood draining out of my wounded shredded body, the sound of the medic telling me it will be ok, it will be ok, yet I know it I won't be, I can see the angel of death "oh god take me home without pain" then feel my heart slowly fade out then opening my arms to the darkness as a wish slips out of my mouth

"Tell my wife goodbye, my beautiful love of my life" I then closed my eyes for now and forever "stay safe, my dear, " then feel my arms drop like weights never to move again.


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