09 • greenie

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[ nine | greenie ]

Minho: apparently you found a dead griever newt?

Newt: yeah

Newt: let me guess you want a picture

Minho: no it's ok alby showed me

Minho: it looked like it had been struck by lightning

Newt: how are you holding up?

Minho: meh alright i guess i had these weird dream things and it kinda freaked me out

Newt: what were they about?

Minho: i can't really remember now but something about lots of fire

Newt: oh weird

Thomas: can u shuck faces shut up and go to sleep i'm tired ok

Newt: oh Thomas is a little cranky

Minho: more like very cranky

Thomas: shuck you all

» » »

Minho: how's that dead griever going?

Minho: thomas?

Minho: newt?

Minho: please answer clint is boring so i have no one to talk to

Minho: if you don't answer in five seconds then you will get STUNG by a griever

Minho: 5

Minho: 4

Minho: 3

Minho: 2

Minho: 2 and a half

Newt: it's gone

Minho: 2 and three quarters

Minho: oh

Minho: what the shuck do you mean it's gone

Minho: newt do you even know the meaning of dead

Newt: they can play dead bloody, shucking well

Minho: in the picture it looked dead though

Newt: it smelt dead too

Newt: are you thinking what I'm thinking

Minho: well if you're thinking that someone came and got thing and then carried it away then yes

Newt: who would want a dead griever

Minho: idk there's nothing special about them

Minho: *i don't know damnit im turning into thomas

Thomas: that means ur turning into a full time sexy beast

Minho: um ew no

Newt: maybe the people that put us in this shuck place took it

Thomas: good theory

Minho: hey the greenie alarm is going off

Newt: well isn't that bloody fantastic

Minho: im going to check him out

Thomas: u could just check me out instead i give u permission ((;

Minho: oh i didnt know i had to get permission. i havent got it all the other times ((;

Newt; Minho, shut the shuck up

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