Chapter 5 - My Other Sister

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A shrill cry echoed in the mist, as the small door in the wall began to rattle, the other mother began pushing and pulling with all her mite but she screamed out of frustration knew she was too weak.

She quickly turns her back and starts moving through the other world, which was now a complete blank slate, the only thing remaining was a small part of the once beautiful kitchen and the small full length mirror that once held the souls of her victims.

she steps in with one leg, peering around looking for him, she remembered throwing him in here a week ago when she caught him roaming around her world. "where are you.." she grumbled. her eyes darting around the small dark room

"now now is that any way to talk to your guests..." the Cat said bitterly climbing down from one of the beams , and facing the beldam. "I can't open the door what did you do...."

"me, I did nothing don't you think its time you give up this little game, your obviously not going to win Coraline is all grown up and -" The cat mumbles as the Beldam cuts him off " and i am not after Coraline this time..." she said weakly coughing slightly.

"you wouldn't..."

"oh but I can and I will and you're going to help me ..." she hissed , as the Cat smirked "and why would i do that have you forgotten why i am in this situation why i am the way I am it's all because of you..." he says slowly, the beldam tries reaching out for him but fails as the car swiftly pushes past her.

"Fine if you help me, I'll talk to my sister and maybe she will grant you your freedom." the beldam suggests her eyes gleeming with hope the cat would take the bait. There was no way she would acutaly ask her sister to reserve his fate, why that would mean she would have to stop capturing kids and she wouldn't.

"for now I am okay being like this if it means u won't do to what u did to my brother to another child again, personally I hope you starve..." the cat spat as the Beldam groaned with frustration

"Fine, stay here and rot!" she screamed apon exiting the mirror, she looked around the room there had to be a way.

all she needed was a little bit of hope coming from a child and little bit of happiness to feed off of and she would be able to make more of the world and draw Cora in, and that's when it hit her, a evil smirk fell apon her face.

"ll get to her through her dreams...."

Coraline was out in the garden, two more weeks until things would seem normal again and she could see her two best friends, she hadn't seen them in so long, she needed something in her life to seem normal again.

"everything has to be perfect..." she mumbles pulling the weeds from the garden, maybe Wybie was right maybe she was just over reacting and there was nothing to worry about.

Coraline slams her palm in the brick wall "yuck!" she shouts wiping her hand off on her pants just as Cora comes Intot he garden.

"what are u doing Coraline"

Coraline ignored her, continuing what she was doing, coraline loved Cora but she was jealous if she was being honest, jealous that she took all her parents attention away from her, that her parents spent more time with Cora than they did with her growing up. How they would always do things together and exclude her saying she was old enough and didn't need to go with or next time.

Sometimes coraline wished she was the only child again, she turned her head and watched in disbelief as burst into bloom before her eyes, risiing from the ground twisting and turning.

Her heart beat rises as she watches Cora reach out for them "snapdragons" she shouts in disbelief as she rushes towards Cora. "Cora move!" she shouts pushing her sister to the ground as she grabbed the flowers from her hand stomping them flat on the ground. Her angry motions now getting slower and slower as Coraline realizes the they weren't snapdragons at all but normal old daisy's.

Coraline looks up at Cora's face tears begin to form in her large blue eyes, as her bottom lip quivers "I was just trying to help..." she utters out standing up and rushing towards the house.

"Cora!" Coraline tries to shout but Her voice echos against the wind as she rushes after her sister. She wanted to explain it to her but she didn't know how too without sounding crazy. Mom already told her she had an over active imagination.

Just as Coraline stepped in the house Cora was already in her mother's arms crying "Coraline Jones!" her mother shouted as Coraline shook her head trying to explain herself. "look mom I can explain we where out in garden and I saw, well I thought I saw..."

"you thought u saw what Coraline some imaginary version of me with buttons in my eyes! When will you Grow up Coraline and leave these fairytales for what they are...." Coralines mother took a step closer towards her

"I really don't want Cora getting scared or thinking there is someone out there to get her shes already afraid of the door in the wall because of what she overhead you and Wybie saying a few months back, so please coraline enough is enough." She whispered into Coralines ear just before turning and cradling Cora in her arms and taking her into the kitchen.

Grow up , Fairytales Coraline thought over and over in her head as she turned her head and started  staring at the small door now fading against the wallpaper maybe just maybe she did imagine it all.


Night time fell over the Pink Palace rather quickly,  A small knocking noise was coming from the corner of Cora's Room causing her to wake up as she looked at the small blue clock on her nightstand 3:00AM she batted her eyelids open and closed still In a dazed like state trying to see where the noise was coming from as she slipped off of her bed pulling on her slippers and walking around the room as a small light began to emerge from the doll house , as Cora stepped closer towards it she could of sworn she heard something calling out to her 

"Cora !" the voice echos as Cora steps closer looking left and right trying to figure out where it is coming from suddenly her eyes are drawn to something moving in her small doll house, as Cora couches down on her knees she sees the small little door creek open, two tiny feet step out of the door Cora couldn't believe her eyes.

"Coraline? How did u get so small..." she questioned as she lay on the floor "are you real?" Cora extended her hand trying to touch the tiny Coraline

"of course I am real silly, I am your other sister everyone has one u know, you have another mother too but she's not feeling well at the moment."  the other coraline jesters as she points towards the small pink door. Cora finger brushed against the tiny Coralines head.

" this is soo cool! "Cora screeched" I have so many questions how did u get this small, where did u come from does Coraline have another me as well... "

"I will explain everything to you in due time little Cora but for now you need to make me a promise that tomorrow night you'll come and see me if you want the magic to work again you have a swear it..."

"oh I swear it ill be here what do I have to do.." Cora asked excited as the little Coraline smirked, there was nothing like a plan coming together.

"tonight just before you fall asleep just repeat these words Transporto me ad alterum Relm, Ubi altera mater Roams gratis ..." Little Coraline says smirking with delite "Then we will play all sorts of games I promise. " Goodbye little Cora... " Coraline says blowing her a kiss of dust as a the room starts to blurr and suddenly Cora jumps awake excitedly running towards the small house.

She opened the small door and moved the house around but there was nothing inside, was she dreaming? was it real? she didn't know but tonight she was going to find out.

The other mother peeked through the small portal showing her the real world, coughing loudly "Almost time..." she muttered as she paced back and forth trying to figure out how she was going to gain strength to trap Cora. And then get a Coraline.

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