Chapter 5

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Sonny's POV

"Soooo, was I right or was I right?" Tawni ways as I walk in.

"You were right." 

"Ha, I knew it. So, tell me everything."

"There's nothing to tell. We were friends and now we aren't."

"Yeah, but like, how did it go down?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just need to clear my mind and focus on the show. Speaking of which, what do you think of a sketch about the Boston tea party?"

"I think you should leave the sketch ideas to Marshal and leave the drama to me." Just then Chad opens my door. 

"Uh, Sonny, could I talk to you?" like that's what I want to do right now.

"I'd rather not." 

"Please." Tawni steps forward.

"She said no. now leave Mr. Goldbarf."

"okay fine. But I just wanted to tell you that I found the note you left me. Please talk to me soon." The note? What note- oooooh. That note. I get up and leave. Maybe it would be good to talk to him after all.

Chad's POV

Well that went well. Not. just then Sonny-er-Ally-er I don't know anymore comes running up to me.

"Chad wait." I stop and turn to her.


"What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to tell you that you were right."

"I was?"

"Yeah. I did change. And not in a good way. When I came here I wanted to make an image. I changed my last name cause Chad Dylan Goldfarb was the least famous sounding name like ever. I guess I changed with my name. Fame took over I guess."

"Yeah. It tends to do that to people."

"So, what does this mean for  us?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are we now? Are we childhood best friends, or are we enemies from rival shows?"

"Both maybe."

"How both?"

"Listen, we were the greatest friends West Appleton had ever seen. Then, you moved away. Now we're just Sonny and Chad stars from rival shows. We aren't friends and I'm not sure we ever can be again."

"And why is that?"

"First off, we're supposed to be rivals. We hate each other, remember? And secondly, we aren't just 2 little kids any more. You're apparently some big tween star and I'm a star to be. If we start hanging out, people are gonna notice and they're gonna assume things. It just isn't what it used to be. In our hearts we can always acknowledge our previous friendship but, we might have to treat it like it was never there."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Yeah." We both just stand there in silence for a while. 

"Well, I should be getting back to set."

"Yeah same."

"Tell next time then."

"Till next time" I begin to walk to set "Wait Chad!" I turn around to face her again


"In case you're wondering. It may be easier if you call me Sonny from now on. NO body really calls me Ally anymore."

"Oh, okay, will do." at that- we parted ways.

Hey guyyyys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again, not sure what I think of this one but whatever. Also, sorry this chapter's a bit shorter. Not sure what else to add with it not seeming like just a filler (which it would of been XD) Also I may be working on another book. Maybe. But yeah! Hope you enjoyed and until next time 🎶Chad Chad Chaddy Chad Chad🎶 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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