Chapter 4: To Saint Mungo's We Go

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McGonagall's P.O.V.

My face paled as I reread the letter, a letter that I didn't want to believe was real. I'd rather think it was sent from the Great Beyond, anything but this. My lips thinned in worry as my eyes widened in horror.

Dear Professor McGonagall,

Minne, it has come to my attention that my grandson, Harry, has finally returned after all these years. Then I get the Daily Prophet showing a picture of him being too short and too thin, too small. All signs of neglect and malnourishment! And his eyes, Merlin Above, his eyes shown in fear of anything and everything, his eyes shown great abuse, I'm willing to bet if his robes were to be ripped off you'd see numerous scars!

So you best tell me where you and the Old Goat placed him, Minerva! Or so help me, you're gonna face my wrath! And why would you think I was dead? When it was just my poor, poor Fleamont?! Not even a letter to me or Flooing me to check for yourself? Especially after I just lost Jamie and Lily a few years before and Harry was as good as kidnapped by Hagrid on Dumbledore's orders. Stolen from his loving Godfather's arms!

Yes, you read that right, loving Godfather. Sirius is innocent of all charges, which anyone with even half a brain cell should've seen based off the so-called evidence of his murdering the Jamie & Lil's Secret Keeper, Peter. You, you of all people should've known how Sirius and Jamie was! Not to mention you were a witness to Sirius performing the Godparent's Ritual along with Alice! If Sirius betrayed us, he would've lost his magic and died.

And before you so much as say I was wrong about the Secret Keeper, I'm not. Fleamont was the one to perform the Fidelius Charm, so I of course witnessed it. Yet you willing kiss Albus' are even though he keeps beating you.

Look, Minnie, I loved you for who you were. I named you Jamie's Godmother for Morgana's Sake! So in a way, Harry is your grandson as well. But I can only feel like you betrayed us for a man who would rather sacrifice an orphanage to be raped, pillaged and razed because he wants to give the assholes who get off on that a slap on the wrist and a millionth chance!

So, yes I loved you for who you were, but I hate you for who you've become. I want the old Minnie back, I want my friend back who defended me against others who made fun of me. The Minnie who helped me gather the courage to send Fleamont a Valentine. The Minnie who was by my side when I married my Fleamont. The Minnie who swore herself as Jamie's Godmother and secretly helped him become an animagus, so he could show Sirius and the rat so they could help Remus and his transformations.

Please come back to me Minnie, please.

Euphemia Potter

I was shaking in my chair as I heard a knock at my office door. I tried my best to gather myself as I said "Enter." To which Neville Longbottom walked in nervously, by himself.

"P-p-p-professor Mc-McGonagall," he stuttered over himself.

"What is it Mr. Longbottom?" I asked as kindly as I could.

"I-it's m-m-my w-wa-wa-wand," he said showing it to me.

"It looks fine to me Longbottom," I said a little irritated as the wand was in fine condition.

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