Chapter 1: King's Cross

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Harry's P.O.V.

I sighed as I felt my bones crack and joints pop. My vision was blurry and discolored, putting my glasses on didn't really help. At least, finally, today is the day I get to escape from my relatives. Of course, the only reason why Uncle Vernon is taking me to King's Cross is because that giant (Hagrid, I think) gave Dudley a pig's tail and they need to remove it.

"Ahhhh!" I hissed as quietly as possible, feels like my shoulder is dislocated. Uncle Vernon's goodbye beating last night must've done more than I thought. But I had to get up and dressed so I can make breakfast for everybody before I get another beating.

Getting up, I pop my shoulder back in place and carefully get dressed. I make my way downstairs and have breakfast well under way before Aunt Petunia is even up. When she enters the kitchen her only greeting is an arrogant sniff.

Thankfully everything was packed in the trunk and everyone was in the car heading toward London. Once we got to King's Cross Station, in an unusual act of kindness Uncle Vernon got a trolley and put my trunk and Hedwig on it before walking me in. I should've known it was too good to be true as he stopped us at platforms 9 and 10 before smiling at me sinisterly.

"Platforms nine and ten, yours should be in between, but looks like they haven't built it yet," he chuckled darkly, "Have a good term."

I started to hyperventilate as soon as Uncle Vernon was out of sight, not use to being in this large a crowd. The world started spinning and I felt faint then I heard somebody say something vaguely familiar, putting my nerves of having to be stuck in London forever at ease.

"...crawling with muggles of course. What was the platform called again?" The mother of a group of red-heads asked.

"Platform 9 3/4, mummy!" The youngest red-head all but shouted.

"Of course Ginny, come on now, let's hurry," the mother said sending her oldest through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10.

Ah, so thats how it's done. Why didn't Hagrid tell me? Did he just assumed I knew? Like he assumed I would've known all about the Wizarding World? I just shook my head, and waited for them all to pass through.

"Where is that blasted Potter brat, how can we get his money if we can't get our feelers into him first?" The mother said stamping her feet before schooling her features and walking through.

I steadied my breath and waited for as long as I dared before crossing the barrier. The whole time I couldn't help but think 'what money?' As I only have enough from my parents to get through school, by the looks of it.

Upon passing through I saw a huge scarlet engine with the words Hogwarts Express painted across. I couldn't help but smile, now all there was to do was find a seat. I pull my trunk while carrying Hedwig in her cage looking for a compartment.

I finally found a relatively empty one that only had two girls in. A rather plain looking blonde with pigtails and a really pretty red head with shining blue eyes. I gulped down my nervousness and knocked on the doorframe.

"E-ex-excuse m-me, m-m-may I p-pl-please s-sit wi-w-with yo-you?" I stumbled through the question.

The blonde girl laughed at me as the red-headed angel smacked her friend's shoulder and scolded her.

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