I pulled my self up with my front paws. Using the first grooves in the wall my claws made as foot holds, I hauled myself up the side of the house. It's a good thing she's my mate, but who the fuck throws milk at people. She peeked over the edge again this time with a shoe. I knew it was coming and caught it in my jaws when I felt the whoosh of air coming at me. I glared at her and she turned and bolted.

   I got to the top of the terrace a few minutes after I heard her door slide closed. I waited to catch my breath and then shifted. I was naked and pissed, feeling my head at the lump left there from her drink. I gave a slight gentleman knock hoping she'd come to her senses.

   "Oh fuck no! I'm not going to let a wolf that climbs houses into my room. Sorry Big Bad but that's not happening so sit on it and spin!" She shouted from her room. Oh for fucks sake. I pounded on the door but it didn't budge. Weird. I sat against the door and waited.

   After some time I jumped off the terrace and went to grab some clothes from the clothing stashes I had constantly supplied for the pack. Grabbing some boxers, shorts, and the last pair of sneakers from this stash. I'll need to replace the shoes I took. I made a mental note. I waited around until I heard and smelled Marie coming in like a banshee.

   "Oh, um Alpha I didn't expect to see you here?" She asked questioningly.

   "My mate is in there," I explained.

   "Ooooh I see," was all she replied. With a smirk she unlocked the front door. To be honest I don't know why I had climbed her house, thank Goddess, Marie hasn't noticed yet. I'll have some members fix up the house.

   "Yuka?" I say through direct mind-link to my gamma.

   "Yes Alpha?"

   "I need you to fix Marie's house tonight while she is on patrol."

    "Of course Adrian, um what am I fixing?"

   "Back of the house, west side below the terrace."

   "What happened behind the terrace?"

   "I'll tell you later, I've got to go," I said cutting off direct communication.

   Suddenly we were in front of her door. I felt bad. Marie was probably talking to me and I wasn't listening. I waited in front of the door and she smiled mischievously holding up her finger to her lips. She raised her hand to the door and gave a coded knock, then stepped back. I heard shuffling and grunts, then the lock clicked and the door swung open.

   Face to face. She was beautiful. Up close I could see freckles dusting the top of her straight button nose and full cheeks, her hair was in fact not spun rose gold but a very light strawberry blonde. Her pinkish blonde hair was ragged and hung in soft curls against her face down her shoulders and back. I avoided her eyes, saving them for last, instead I watched her brows scrunch together in annoyance. Her chest heaved her bosom towards me in heavy pants and I couldn't help but let my eyes linger. I bit my lip softly to hold in my groan and went further down, her stomach flat and toned; obviously, she lived with Marie. Her hips were thick, curvy. She had dancer's legs. Medium height, the top of her head in line with my pecks. I had to look down, but not in a intimidating way, just angry.....and excited. Her amber eyes held passion in them. My eyes flashed and she finally realized, screaming she bolted. Two strides and I was at the door she tried to slam in my face. I break it in half losing control easily. Why is she running.  She makes a mad dive under the bed her feet barely sticking out from beneath the bed. Damn she is fast.

   I latched onto her foot and gave one tug pulling her out from under the bed. With her other foot she tried to kick me in the face, I caught it easily and forced her to stop kicking me.

    "YOU THREW A CHOCOLATE MILK AT MY HEAD, THEN YOU THREW A SHOE TOWARDS MY FACE!" I roared at her. The actual fucking indecency in this woman!? Did she even go to school? She's obviously not an official pack member since my father never gave her the honor, but Marie promised to keep her in line, and since I honestly had forgotten about her, she never became an official member. Shit.

   I dropped her legs and pinched the bridge of my nose,

    "Can I speak to my mate in private please?" Marie left the room and I rushed to her so she wouldn't run. I buried my face in her neck inhaling deeply, while holding her arms to her sides. I don't want this vixen to throat punch me.

    Mmm, peaches and cream....and what's that, strawberries? She was delectable and I was getting hard with the thought of her writhing beneath me in pleasure, her nails dragging down across my back. No stop, don't get distracted.

      "You really think you can get away with teasing me through a window? That I couldn't smell your arousal? What about the unmated male wolves in the pack? You really think I wasn't going to come for you? I will punish you, and you will NEVER DO IT AGAIN!" I started off as calmly as I could, rising to anger at the thought of some mangy wolf coming here after what she did the other night. It was unacceptable, and yet, I couldn't help but want her to do it just for me again.

    "Hold your fucking horses, I didn't know who you were Mr. Big Bad, so don't come at me with that attitude!" She yells back at me. I smirk at her tone.

   "You're perfect," I voice my thought out loud. 
"So you think it's okay to mess up my house, break my door IN HALF, and get away with it? Hell no!" I grab her arms and look her dead in the eyes,

   "I'll do whatever and whenever the fuck I what. I built this house, I can build Marie a new one, but your talking back needs to go. Now you either come with me WILLINGLY or I take you myself." I growl. She pauses as if to think it over, and then she struggles. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder making the long walk back to the Alpha house.

    By the time I got there I was beyond pissed. Most pack members can tell I'm Alpha just from the dominance rolling off me in waves, but some twerp made a comment about my mate and I was ticked. She must've fallen asleep on the way here so I set her on the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

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