Chapter 2

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Calum stood their smirking at me. Once his friends were all done getting thier drinks, they all walked out together and laughed at me. It was probably because of something that Calum said about me. I saw them whisper things in their ears and I had a gut feeling it was about me. A few hours later, we were still at Starbucks, but my mom was just about to pick me up. 

I waited out for my mom, when my phone beeped. It was a unknown message. I opened the message. 


hi its calum

OH shit, I forgot I gave him my number. I changed his contact to Calum and sent him a message. 

To: Calum

oh hi

From Calum:

what a nice surprise to see you at starbucks :)

To Calum:

ok what do you want?

From Calum:

Which section of the notes do you want me to do?

TO Calum:
paragraph 1 - 20

From Calum:

o k thx, do you wanna meet at the library after school tomorow?

To Calum:

why? you hate me, I hate you, I thought we were supposed to be working on this seperately?

From Calum:

to share notes! 

To Calum:
fine, but I have practice after so a little while

From Calum: 

k, end around 5:30?

To Calum: 


From Calum: 

deal, k thanks 

Sheesh... I was not in the mood to see Calum. But I felt better after I reminded myself that I had soccer practice. When I step on that field, I get totally lost and my thoughts are pushed aside. All my anger is pushed away and forgotten, because I can let it out all on the game and work together with my team. 

I practiced at the field right across from our school, so I got a ride from Kelsie to drop me off at my house. 


"Hey thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow at school!" I said sprightly. 

"See you too Abbs, make sure you don't let Calum ruin your day! You love soccer so don't think about it that much!" Kelsie responds. 

"Ill try to, thanks!" I fake smile, as I walk into the house and head up to my room. I had to change into my soccer attire so I headed to my closet and grabbed a baggy blue t-shirt and some black soccer shorts. As I change into my pants, I notice that I saw somethings red drop on the ground. I took down my underwear and saw that I leaked... FUCK. I had my period, great. I rolled my eyes. I hated my period so much, like who is someone that does?

I made sure that I grabbed everything after I changed, along with packing some pads for later, when I have to study with Calum. I filled up my water bottle and made sure I added no ice so my stomach wouldn't cramp. 

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