Mom asked me to stay at our neighbor's home as she went with my father who was supposed to drop her till the market. But nothing happened! Dad didn't go to the office so he couldn't come by evening, mom never reached the market and didn't buy groceries and stuff to reach home with full bags and tiredness. They met with an accident and I was waiting for my mother to return and call out my name asking me to help her out. I was waiting for dad's car to pull in the driveway so I could run and hug his legs as I always do and he would laugh and ruffle my hair before handing me a Chocolate bar and I would kiss him on the cheek.

I assumed mom went on a long shopping day and forgot to inform me. As it grew dark outside, I assumed dad got busy with work. I was sitting, standing, pacing outside our home despite our neighbors asking me to join them for lunch and dinner. We didn't have any relatives whom I could call, sometimes I wished mom and dad would have thought about their children when they decided to leave the family and move out. Of course, love is important but parents should think about their children when they make decisions or else they shouldn't make children. Sometimes I wish my grandparents had supported their children, it is not only good living parents should give, but it is also the support.

As the neighbors sheltered me that night, I craved for someone mine to hold on to and cry. Maybe I had uncle and aunt, maybe I had cousins of my age, maybe I had grandparents still alive to tell stories and fall me asleep. The next morning I watched the sunrise, I couldn't get much sleep, I rushed out when the door opened and uncle walked out.

There were police near my home, they broke the door and god knows what they were doing. When the neighbor's uncle talked with them I stood silent then he pointed at me and said I was their daughter. I was informed my parents met with an accident and their bodies wherein a hospital. I didn't know what to do, I was silent, that was the moment I learned to blink my tears away. I silently cried at their funeral and neighbors gave their sympathy. Soon I was in an orphanage until Neela maa adopted me.

"You are crying." Neil put his arm on my shoulder.

"Got a bit emotional." I smile as he wiped my tear.

"What made you emotional?" He asked in a low tone.

"I miss my Dad," I say slowly, "And Mom."

In response, he pulled me on his side and gave a squeeze on my shoulder. I like how our marriage is working, we have both learned to open up to each other. It's 4 months since our marriage and I think it's great that we both have learned to trust each other. Love is not the only thing for a successful relationship, it's trust, understanding, and support.

In the past four months, we have had arguments over silly things and sometimes it turns serious but we would be fine by the next moment as we will start talking indirectly. Serious fights only happen when we disagree on the same thing, he says he wants to give me a promotion while I don't need it.

It's been a few months since I'm working in his company and who gives promotions so quickly? Well according to Neil, he gives it.

He is kind of planning to transfer me to Marketing Department and make me the manager over there to which I may be capable but I'm not ready. There are two reasons for it.

1) Everyone will think he is giving me a promotion because I'm his wife which is half true. If I wasn't his wife he would have not taken that decision so quickly even if I am good at it.

2) I want to be noticed as a manager for my hard work not because my husband wants me to take that seat.

He argues that I need stop thinking about what people think and honestly I don't give a damn about what they think, I just don't want my career to be misunderstood by others because I own my career. People can talk on my back whatever they want but they can't talk bad about my career, that is the only thing I own.

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