The Day It All Kicked Off

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Everything started as a normal day. I woke up, got changed and headed to school. The only difference was that today was the schools sports day. Every year our school would do a sports day were the most athletic people would rise to the top and leave danglers hanging. Most people do it to get out of class but for me it means a lot more than "off timetable day". This is when I get to show off and win. After all that's why we compete, to win. Isn't it? On my arrival to school I was greeted by my friends is the nicest way "Awright fannybaws". This is how we greet each other- today was Fannybaws, tomorrow is poppycock, the day after is slipshit and so on. My reply is a not so calm, a punch to the arm that leaves a memorable bruise. This makes no difference though as they then reply with "Fuck was that for dip'n'dick". Isn't it nice to be Scottish? Hell, it could be worse I could be an Englishman sitting sipping my cup of tea confronting my companions about cricket. The buzzer went and I headed to pe with a smug look on my face. With Miss Moore running the place like a prison, we were given 5 minutes to get changed, warmed up and ready for our first event.

Everything was going well. With two of my three events out the way I only had the 80m sprint left. Looking at my opponents there was no real competition- a few waddlers, idiots, smokers and one die-hard ready to win, me. Just before my heat took off one approached me.
"Bet you £10 that I beat you."
I laughed and agreed knowing he was only joking. After all he wouldn't stand a chance against me. It was strange he came to talk to me though. Why would he? I have never breathed a word to him in my life. Maybe he just wanted a laugh with me. Our race took of with a blow of Miss Moore's whistle. Of course I was leading and then went on to win 3 seconds before everyone else. As I said- they don't stand a chance.
That boy comes over to me again.
"Did I mention it was Monopoly money?"
Once again I laughed at it and walked away.

That night I stayed up with the thought of what happened today. Why did he talk to me? Was he trying to be nice? Was he just up for a laugh? Or was he trying to become...... my friend? He is just another person so why do I worry? Let's just go in tomorrow and hope he doesn't approach me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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