It'll Always Be You

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Wanda's POV

There's a loud crash from Bucky's room again. I knock on his door. "Bucky. It's me. Wanda."

The door slowly opens. Bucky's eyes are blood shot and his face is stained with tears. His room is all messy. His bed is flipped over. His nightstand is on its side. There's broken glass all over the floor. His dresser is tipped over.

I hug him. He hugs me back.

"I miss her." Bucky sobs.

"I know Bucky."

"I just can't have her choose me over Steve." He says.

"It'll be okay." I say.

"I love her so much." Bucky says.

I can feel tears form in my eyes. "I know you do Bucky. This is the hard part. Realizing that you don't get to have her anymore."

Bucky sobs louder. That probably wasn't the best thing to say, but it needed to be said.

"I'm gonna call Sam. He will be better at comforting you and I know you don't want to see Steve." I say. I pull away from Bucky and text Sam.

About 2 minutes later Sam walks in. I smile softly at both of them and leave them.

Your POV

Wanda walks back in. She open one of the cartons of ice cream and hands you a spoon. You take it and start eating the ice cream.

"Mr. Stark would like me to let you know that dinner is ready." F.R.I.D.A.Y. says.

"Thank you." Wanda says.

You look at her and shake your head no. She gets what you're saying. "Okay I'll go tell Tony. I'll be right back."

Wanda's POV

I walk out of y/n's room and see Sam walk out of Bucky's. "I'm going to tell Tony that y/n and I won't be at dinner." I say.

"That's funny. I was going to tell Tony that Bucky and I won't be at dinner." Sam says.

We both walk to the elevator. "It pisses me off." Sam says. "It's stupid. They belong together and Steve should just deal with it." Sams voice starts breaking.

"Sam are you okay?" I ask him.

"No I'm not. I hate seeing him like this. I hate seeing her like this." Sam says. Tears fall down his cheeks. A couple tears fall down mine. I pull Sam into a hug.

"I do too." I say. The elevator doors open and we pull away and wipe our tears.

We walk into the dinning room. Tony sees us and smiles. Everyone is sitting down. "Hey guys." Tony says. Sam glares at Steve. I pull on Sam's arm to tell him to knock it off. He does. I give Steve a death glare before turning back to Tony.

"We just came down to tell you that Bucky, y/n, Sam, and I will not be joining you for dinner." I say.

"Why?" Tony asks.

"Something came up and Wanda needs to be with y/n and I need to be with Bucky." Sam says.

Tony thinks that they broke up. I nod at him. He closes his eyes and sighs. "Does that mean that she choose-"

"Yes Steve. She choose you." I say cutting him off.

"Wait this is Steve's fault?" Tony asks.

"What's Steve's fault?" Thor ask.

"Oh I think I know what happened." Loki says. I look at Loki and read his mind. I nod. Loki sighs.

"Hold up. All four of you knew?" Steve asks. We nod.

"Knew what?" Nat asks.

"You all kept this from me?" Steve asks. We nod.

"Knew what? What did you keep from him?" Scott asks.

"I can't believe you could do that." Steve says.

"Can't believe they could do what?" Bruce asks.

"You can't believe we did that? How could you do this!?" Tony snaps.

"It was for their own good." Steve says.

"What was for their own good?" Clint asks.

"Really? Cause now I have a crying broken hearted girl crying upstairs!" I yell.

"And I have a crying broken hearted boy crying upstairs!" Sam yells.

"It wasn't for their own good! It was for yours!" Loki yells.

"Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on here before I scream." Scott says.

"Bucky and y/n were secretly dating and Steve found out and told y/n to choose him or Bucky and Bucky told y/n to choose Steve and they broke up because Bucky didn't want to come between Steve and y/n." I say.

Everyone goes silent. "Now if you'll excuse me and Wanda, we have to go take care of the mess Steve made." Sam says.

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