Chapter 1 ~ The Start Of Wonderland

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          It was March 20th, and cries rang out and could be heard from all across the kingdom. "Shut that roach up!" people would shout at Stan. That day a queen had been born, but no one knew that yet. 

          -----13 years later-----

          Roach had grown to be abnormally tall, but her family still excepted her. "Roach! Come sweep the floors... now!" Stan shouted. As Roach walked down the stair of the castle she wondered what other people lived outside the kingdom. Roach didn't have many friends but she thought she could make some if she was allowed to leave. As she finished sweeping the floors she approached Stan. "Can I leave the kingdom and explore? I'm lonely and I don't cope well with that." She says. Stan doesn't say anything for a moment. "Not yet. You're not old enough to leave." He responds. Roach storms back up the stairs to her room and slams the door. She then begins to blast Smooth Criminal by Glee Cast. 

          Night falls and Roach falls asleep to her Glee playlist. She then wakes up to a loud noise outside. "What was that?" She wondered. She runs to her window and sees a giant rocket ship. The rocket opens and a tiny Russian walked out it a gold and glittery track suit. The Russian reminded her of someone named Sue Sylvester from her favorite show, Glee. Roach ran out of the castle to go meet the tiny Russian. "Hey there I'm Vonak!" The Russian says with an accent. "Um hey I'm Roach. What are you doing here?" Roach says. "Well actually I'm here for rodents like you." Vonak tells her. Roach is in shock and doesn't know what to say. "If you need a place to st-" Roach was saying as an even smaller thing comes barking out of the rocket interrupting her. It's a dog. "This is Hazel by the way." The Russian exclaims. "As I was trying to say... if you need a place to stay, you can stay here at my castle." Roach says smiling and hopeful. "Uh I think I'll take you up on that offer, thanks." Vonak says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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