"Yea of course honey, what happened?" I ask as I take a sip of my wine

"We were at dads again and he threw a bottle at me and you stood in front of it and it hit your legs and you fell and you told me to go to my room and lock the door and I did and then I heard dad scream at you and then he broke down my door and came in and you crawled over to dad and hit his leg and then he picked you up and threw you against a wall and then he killed me" Riley told me

I drop my glass of wine onto the ground, it breaks and wine goes everywhere. I stare at Riley in shock, Katrina had a shocked expression as well. "Y...you h..ad the s..ame d..ream a..s m..e..." I stutter out

"I did?" She asks

"Da" Katrina answers for me

I instantly feel light headed, I fall to the ground, as I pass out.

I open my eyes slightly, light was in the room, I was on a red couch. Katrina's couch.

"She's waking up!" Exclaimed a familiar voice

"Riley..?" I ask

Before I can get a reply Katrina has came in and pulled me into a hug

"Janet! I'm so glad your okay! I was worried about you!" Katrina exclaimed

"Katrina..? What time is it..?" I ask

"Oh it's-" Katrina was cut off by a knock on the door

"It's the police, open up!" An officer yells from the outside of the door

I sit up, instantly worried that they were here to take Riley, I hold her close as Katrina goes to open the door.

**Katrina P.O.V**

I head to the door and open it

"Yes?" I ask

"We have a report from a man named Roger claiming that you kidnapped his child, knocked his girlfriend unconscious, and beat him up" the officer answers

"Niet, thats his side of what happened. Let me tell you ours" I reply to the officer

"Ours?" The officer asks

"Da. Janet and my side" I explain

"Take a seat, I'll get Janet" I tell him

The officer nods and sits down at the island. I head into the living room

"Janet, the police want to speak to us. Riley come too. We will need you as well" I tell them as I open the drawer and grab the note from Roger about him kidnapping Riley

Janet nods and walks into the kitchen with Riley

"Hello Officer" Janet nods to the police officer

"Good evening" he replies

Janet sits down next to me and holds Riley on her lap

"Should I start explaining or do you want too?" I ask Janet

"Can you..? Every time I try an talk about it I start shaking" Janet answers

"Da" I reply, smiling at her

"Well officer what happened was that Roger cheated on Janet with her twin sister Marie, then i told her she could stay here since she didn't want to live with Roger, Janet and her daughter moved in and then Roger came and tried to force her home, I did fight him yes, but I have a recording from my servallince camera that will show you the audio and our conversation. Then he kidnapped Riley by having Marie pretend to have a suprise for her and stand outside her room window. Riley went to Marie not thinking anything wrong about it since it is her aunt and then she picked Riley up, taped this note to the outside of the house and forced her to leave. Then me and Janet go to his house, Janet sets me out a short distance and I get Riley back as well as get shot by Marie and thats why I knocked her unconscious, to keep her from hurting me and Kidnapping Riley again" I explain as I hand the officer the note and show him my arm

Don't Play With Me - A Jatrina Novel Where stories live. Discover now